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Avengers: Endgame Romanian Subtitles

 Avengers: Endgame

Movie Info:

Released: 26 Apr 2019
Runtime: 181 min
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi
Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo
Actors: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth
Country: USA
Rating: 8.4


After the devastating events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018), the universe is in ruins. With the help of remaining allies, the Avengers assemble once more in order to reverse Thanos' actions and restore balance to the universe.

Mar 26, 2020 02:58:30 Rebisaum Romanian 56

Release Name:

Avengers - Endgame [2019]

Release Info:

Avengers - Endgame.mkv [4.85 GB] 
Download Subtitles
May 23, 2019 21:10:54 83.84KB Download

{1}{1}23.976 {96}{139}Bine, þine-l.|Nu trage. {180}{209}Vezi încotro tragi ? {213}{237}Bine. {237}{278}Acum sã ne facem griji|de cum ajungi acolo. {316}{412}Pune piciorul aici.|Cu vârful în direcþia aia. {413}{446}Aºa.|Bine ? {503}{544}- Poþi sã vezi ?|- Da. {549}{575}Eºti sigurã ? {575}{628}Dar acum ?|Poþi sã vezi acum ? {691}{714}Bun. {738}{782}Gata ?|Trei degete. {791}{815}Frumos ! {854}{921}- Bunã aruncare, puºtiule !|- Poftim. {933}{1014}Vreþi maionezã sau muºtar|sau amândouã ? {1026}{1077}Cine vrea maionezã|pe un hot dog ? {1079}{1158}Iartã-þi fraþii.|Douã muºtaruri, te rog !|Mulþumesc, mama. {1159}{1187}S-a fãcut. {1189}{1244}Nate, maionezã sau muºtar ? {1249}{1292}Vreau ketchup. {1350}{1386}Ai grijã la cot ... {1436}{1510}Bunã treabã, Hawkeye !|Du-te dupã sãgeatã. {1582}{1652}Destul cu antrenamentul.|Supa e gata. {1669}{1736}Bine. Venim.|Ne e foame. {1757}{1798}Lila, sã mergem. {1865}{1897}Lila ? {1964}{1988}Dragã ? {2081}{2112}Iubito ? {2340}{2364}Iubito ? {2412}{2436}Iubito ? {2491}{2515}Bãieþi ! {2568}{2592}Bãieþi ? {2642}{2669}Laura ! {3718}{3754}Nu trebuie sã faci asta, {3759}{3817}fiindcã doar menþii poziþia. {3850}{3874}Haide. {3886}{3912}A fost aproape. {3948}{3994}Acesta e un gol.|Suntem la egalitate, 1 la 1. {3995}{4035}Aº vrea sã mai încerc odatã. {4090}{4114}Suntem la egalitate.