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Yofukashi no Uta (Call of the Night) Arabic Subtitles

 Yofukashi no Uta (Call of the Night)

Series Info:

Released: 08 Jul 2022
Runtime: N/A
Genre: Animation, Fantasy
Director: N/A
Actors: Sora Amamiya, Gen Satô
Country: Japan
Rating: N/A


Follows Ko, a human boy who falls in love with Nanakusa, a vampire girl, and wants to become a vampire too, but Nanakusa invites him to her abandoned building just to taste his sweet blood from his neck.

Aug 04, 2022 07:18:38 KokoBoKo0 Arabic 20

Release Name:

[Sai] Yofukashi no Uta - 04
Yofukashi no Uta - 04 [Sai]

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Jul 31, 2022 20:19:56 74.66KB Download

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[Sai] Yofukashi no Uta
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