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X-Men: Dark Phoenix Arabic Subtitles

 X-Men: Dark Phoenix

Movie Info:

Released: 07 Jun 2019
Runtime: 113 min
Genre: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Director: Simon Kinberg
Actors: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult
Country: USA, Canada
Rating: 5.8


Jean Grey begins to develop incredible powers that corrupt and turn her into a Dark Phoenix, causing the X-Men to decide if her life is worth more than all of humanity.

Mar 04, 2020 18:17:31 kimosubtitles Arabic 60

Release Name:

X-Men: Dark Phoenix trailer 2

Release Info:

subtitled by Kamel Ahmed 
Download Subtitles
Mar 01, 2019 21:52:10 3.83KB Download

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