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Vinland Saga - Second Season Arabic Subtitles

 Vinland Saga - Second Season

Series Info:

Released: 06 Jul 2019
Runtime: 24 min
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
Director: N/A
Actors: Ray Chase, Zach Aguilar, Keith Silverstein
Country: Japan
Rating: 8.8


Thorfinn pursues a journey with his father's killer in order to take revenge and end his life in a duel as an honorable warrior and pay his father a homage.

May 18, 2023 00:01:24 Solo_0 Arabic 3

Release Name:

Vinland Saga S2 OP - PARADOX [Survive Said The Prophet]

Release Info:

:مهم جداً ملف الخطوط 
Download Subtitles
May 16, 2023 12:40:56 23.26KB Download

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