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The Good Detective 2 ( Mobeomhyeongsa 2 / 모범형사 - 시즌2 ) French Subtitles

 The Good Detective 2 ( Mobeomhyeongsa 2 / 모범형사 - 시즌2 )

Series Info:

Released: 06 Jul 2020
Runtime: 60 min
Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery
Director: N/A
Actors: Son Hyeon-ju, Seung-jo Jang, Elliya Lee
Country: South Korea
Rating: 7.5


A drama about the race between people who want to get closer to the truth and those who want to cover it up.

Aug 08, 2022 23:17:59 Girl_Secret French 23

Release Name:

The Good.Detective.3.[Français + Effets] RX264.540.P

Release Info:

Ep. 2 - 모범형사2 - The Good Detective 2 "Temps : 01:06:39 
Download Subtitles
Aug 08, 2022 16:17:22 91.07KB Download

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