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Tetsujin 28-gou (1980) Arabic Subtitles

 Tetsujin 28-gou (1980)

Series Info:

Released: 09 Sep 1993
Runtime: 30 min
Genre: Animation
Director: N/A
Actors: Barbara Goodson, Yoshio Kaneuchi, Osamu Kobayashi, Ikuo Nishikawa
Country: Japan
Rating: 7.9


At the beginning of the 21st century, scientists found that with new computers and super alloys, they could build an even bigger, faster Gigantor. They built the new Gigantor.

Jun 18, 2021 22:36:52 ayzen sama Arabic 31

Release Name:

[kuraki_sama] Tetsujin 28 Gou – 36 ~ 37 [DVD].mkv

Release Info:

زورو مدونة المترجم  =============================================================== 
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Jun 15, 2021 07:32:22 19.08KB Download

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Jun 15, 2021 07:32:22 21.13KB Download

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