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Shooter - First Season English Subtitles

Series Info:

Released: 15 Nov 2016
Runtime: 60 min
Genre: Action, Drama
Director: N/A
Actors: Ryan Phillippe, Shantel VanSanten, Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Omar Epps
Country: USA
Rating: 7.5


A conspiracy thriller that follows the journey of Bob Lee Swagger, a highly-decorated veteran who is coaxed back into action to prevent a plot to kill the President.

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Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Actor, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text
Dialogue: 0,0:00:06.32,0:00:07.72,Default,,0,0,0,,BOB LEE:\NPreviously on "Shooter"...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:07.84,0:00:09.38,Default,,0,0,0,,I'm writing a book\Nabout your husband.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:09.65,0:00:11.65,Default,,0,0,0,,I don't think he did it.\NI can help.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:12.52,0:00:14.73,Default,,0,0,0,,Ukrainian journalist\Nby the name of Karlina Ordenko
Dialogue: 0,0:00:14.75,0:00:15.73,Default,,0,0,0,,has gone missing.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:15.75,0:00:16.75,Default,,0,0,0,,I need to talk to her.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:16.90,0:00:19.07,Default,,0,0,0,,The micro-drive,\Nso-called Annex B files.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:19.10,0:00:20.94,Default,,0,0,0,,I-I can't understand you.\NOh, my God, they found me.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:20.97,0:00:22.10,Default,,0,0,0,,They found...
Dialogue: 0,0:00:23.85,0:00:24.31,Default,,0,0,0,,[screams]\NKarlina?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:24.45,0:00:25.80,Default,,0,0,0,,Karlina Ordenko is dead.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:25.82,0:00:27.66,Default,,0,0,0,,I believe a man\Nnamed Grigory Krukov
Dialogue: 0,0:00:27.68,0:00:29.00,Default,,0,0,0,,gave the order\Nto have her killed.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:29.21,0:00:30.98,Default,,0,0,0,,He's a high-ranking\Nmember of the FSB.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:31.01,0:00:32.75,Default,,0,0,0,,[gunshot]
Dialogue: 0,0:00:32.78,0:00:33.75,Default,,0,0,0,,O'BRIEN: You find the other\NBlack Kings,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:33.78,0:00:35.05,Default,,0,0,0,,you find your shooter.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:35.08,0:00:36.06,Default,,0,0,0,,[gunshot]
Dialogue: 0,0:00:36.09,0:00:37.89,Default,,0,0,0,,1,500 yards.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:37.92,0:00:39.89,Default,,0,0,0,,What's that guy's name?\NHELLING: Lon Scott.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:39.92,0:00:43.76,Default,,0,0,0,,NADINE: CEO of Anhur Dynamics?\NThe resolution is shitty.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:43.79,0:00:45.13,Default,,0,0,0,,It's a cell phone video.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:45.16,0:00:47.10,Default,,0,0,0,,My laptop original,\Nit's way better.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:47.13,0:00:49.47,Default,,0,0,0,,It's like every page\Nof the complete,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:49.50,0:00:51.91,Default,,0,0,0,,un-redacted copy\Nof the Annex B file,
Dialogue: 0,0:00:51.94,0:00:54.71,Default,,0,0,0,,which I also have\Nin my possession.
Dialogue: 0,0:00:54.74,0:00:56.18,Default,,0,0,0,,I need you to suspend me.\NSuspend you?
Dialogue: 0,0:00:56.21,0:00:57.48,Default,,0,0,0,,What the hell\Nare you talking about?