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Pinocchio (Pinokio / 피노키오) English Subtitles

 Pinocchio (Pinokio / 피노키오)

Series Info:

Released: 12 Nov 2014
Runtime: 59 min
Genre: Drama, Romance
Director: N/A
Actors: Jong-Suk Lee, Shin-Hye Park, Hee-Bong Byun, Kyung Jin
Country: South Korea
Rating: 8.2


A young boy, whose life and family has been destroyed by new media, gets adopted by a family in a rural area after being found lost at sea. He tries to conceal his past for everyone's sake ...

Mar 25, 2020 22:43:02 Sky Boys English 43

Release Name:


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This is Pinocchio !!! Perfect for HDTV H264 720p@540p@480p-LIMO   
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Nov 20, 2014 00:34:08 71.77KB Download

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