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Pearl Harbor English Subtitles

 Pearl Harbor
Mar 29, 2020 03:52:15 tuzk English 49

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[Script Info] ; Script generated by Aegisub v2.1.2 RELEASE PREVIEW (SVN r1987, amz) ; Title: Default Aegisub file ScriptType: v4.00+ WrapStyle: 0 PlayResX: 640 PlayResY: 480 ScaledBorderAndShadow: yes Video Aspect Ratio: 0 Video Zoom: 6 Video Position: 0 Last Style Storage: Default [V4+ Styles] Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding Style: Default,Arial,35,&H00FFFFFF,&H000000FF,&H00000000,&H00000000,0,0,0,0,100,100,0,0,1,2,2,2,10,10,10,0 [Events] Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text Dialogue: 0,0:00:59.68,0:01:03.48,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,- German bandits at two o'clock.\N- Increase throttle. Power dive. Dialogue: 0,0:01:07.81,0:01:10.02,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Spell it right, Rafe. Dialogue: 0,0:01:10.11,0:01:13.57,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,"Rudder" is spelled with 2 "d"s. Dialogue: 0,0:01:13.65,0:01:16.65,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,- Thanks, wingman.\N- Yeah, sure. Dialogue: 0,0:01:17.20,0:01:19.20,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Whoa, bandits. Dialogue: 0,0:01:20.66,0:01:22.95,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,- Crack shootin', Danny.\N- Crack shootin', Rafe. Dialogue: 0,0:01:23.04,0:01:26.04,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,- Land of the free.\N- Home of the brave. Dialogue: 0,0:01:44.60,0:01:46.89,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Great flyin', Dad. Dialogue: 0,0:01:48.69,0:01:51.06,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Come on.\NI'm gonna teach you how to fly. Dialogue: 0,0:01:58.74,0:02:00.91,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,- I get the front.\N- No, you take the back. Dialogue: 0,0:02:00.99,0:02:03.16,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I'm bigger, and I\Nshould be in front. Dialogue: 0,0:02:03.24,0:02:05.45,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I'm older, and I'm teachin', so no. Dialogue: 0,0:02:05.54,0:02:08.83,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,- Wow. It's like we're really flying.\N- Yeah, I did it lots of times. Dialogue: 0,0:02:08.92,0:02:11.79,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Come on, you man the guns.\NI'll give her some throttle. Dialogue: 0,0:02:11.88,0:02:14.84,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,We gotta get those\Ndirty German bandits. Dialogue: 0,0:02:19.97,0:02:21.85,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Gosh! Dialogue: 0,0:02:26.77,0:02:29.44,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,- Hang on.\N- Make it stop, Rafe. Dialogue: 0,0:02:31.44,0:02:34.82,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,I've seen my dad do this\Nlots of times. Don't worry. Dialogue: 0,0:02:36.78,0:02:38.78,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,Rafe. Dialogue: 0,0:02:39.78,0:02:42.49,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,My gosh. We're flying.