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Ouroboros (ウロボロス) Arabic Subtitles

 Ouroboros (ウロボロス)

Series Info:

Released: 16 Jan 2015
Runtime: 54 min
Genre: Action, Crime, Mystery
Director: N/A
Actors: Tôma Ikuta, Shun Oguri, Juri Ueno, Yô Yoshida
Country: Japan
Rating: 7.7


Ikuo and Tatsuya are orphans. They live at Mahoroba's house which is a child and family services home. At their elementary school, they see Teacher Yuko, who took good care of them like a ...

Apr 13, 2020 14:27:20 eXtraTranz Arabic 48

Release Name:

[eXtraTranz]Ouroboros E01[480p][Arabic]
Download Subtitles
Jan 22, 2015 23:37:54 84.98KB Download

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Jan 22, 2015 23:37:54 84.98KB Download

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