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Jirisan (Mount Jiri / Jiri Mountain / Cliffhanger / 지리산) French Subtitles

 Jirisan (Mount Jiri / Jiri Mountain / Cliffhanger / 지리산)

Series Info:

Released: 23 Oct 2021
Runtime: N/A
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: N/A
Actors: Jun Ji-hyun, Ju Ji-Hoon, Lee Gasub
Country: South Korea
Rating: N/A


Set against the backdrop of towering views of Mount Jiri, it depicts the story of rangers and other employees of the Jirisan National Park who climb through the mysterious and unexplored regions of the mountain.

Nov 03, 2021 04:35:47 Girl_Secret French 57

Release Name:

지리산.Jirisan.E04 Français

Release Info:

지리산.Jirisan.E04 Français Te:ls 00:58:21  lien vidéo fichier joint 
Download Subtitles
Nov 02, 2021 21:11:52 61.84KB Download

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Jirisan Dlink.txt

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*Jirisan E01

*Jirisan E02

*Jirisan E03

*Jirisan E04