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Fruits Basket - First Season English Subtitles

 Fruits Basket - First Season

Series Info:

Released: 06 Apr 2019
Runtime: 23 min
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Director: N/A
Actors: Manaka Iwami, Laura Bailey, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Eric Vale
Country: Japan
Rating: 8.3


After a family tragedy turns her life upside down, 16 year old high schooler Tohru Honda takes matters into her own hands and moves out...into a tent. Unfortunately for her, she pitches her...

Apr 10, 2020 17:16:25 leen chan English 134

Release Name:

[HorribleSubs] Fruits Basket (2019) - 20 [720p]

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Aug 18, 2019 18:39:48 35.21KB Download

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