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Enemy of the State Spanish Subtitles

 Enemy of the State
Mar 27, 2020 03:17:02 niksanina Spanish 27

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Enemy of the State
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Enemy of the state.txt

{1226}{1274}vamos, mutt.|ahora, mira la pelota. bien.
{1278}{1331}vamos. trae la pelota. Ah
{1335}{1399}No hay problema con eso.
{1403}{1453}Oh, conchamimare.
{1499}{1595}- si algo pasa, avisame.|- Que mierda estas haciendo aca?|Esto no es la oficina.
{1599}{1674}- Este es mi tiempo libre.|- Cinco minutos.
{1678}{1743}No- dije no el martes,|dije no la semana pasada...
{1747}{1789}Y voy a seguir diciendo no |hasta que me escuches.
{1793}{1858}cinco minutos, Sr Chairman.
{1862}{1932}Es todo lo que pido -- cinco minutos.
{1936}{1992}- quiere cafe?|- No, no quiero ni una wea.
{1996}{2053}quiero jugar con mi perro.
{2057}{2126}Mire, no le estoy preguntando|si quieres.
{2130}{2194}Se que puede.|Solo deje a su gente.
{2197}{2267}Dejelos ir donde quieran.
{2271}{2367}Telecomunicaciones|Seguridad y privacidad-
{2371}{2428}Invasion de privacidad mejor dicho.
{2432}{2545}Usted ley� el correo?|"Esto no es el primer paso|hacia una sociedad vigilada.
{2549}{2596}Esta es una sociedad vigilada."
{2600}{2668}- Uh, histeria liberal.|- Escucha.|Yo no me voy a sentar en el congreso...
{2672}{2721}y aprobar una ley|eso lo hace el gobierno...
{2725}{2805}Sa�alan una c�mara fotogr�fica y un micr�fono|a cualquier maldita cosa que piden.
{2835}{2935}Phil, mira.|No me preocupa quien dispar� a quien...
{2939}{2988}Que oficiales del gobierno get stoned. 
{2992}{3078}Pero esta es la mas rica,|La mas poderosa nacion en la tierra,|y por lo mismo la mas odiada.
{3082}{3140}Y tu y yo sabemos|que es lo que no hace un ciudadano de clase media:
{3144}{3206}Que estamos en guerra |las 24 de cada d�a.
{3210}{3270}si, si, si.
{3274}{3336}Tengo que detallar el n�mero|de vidas de Americanos que hemos salvado...
{3340}{3436}solo en los 12 meses pasados|con uso juicioso|de la inteligencia de la vigilancia?
{3440}{3528}Thomas, corta tu webeo.|Tengo tres patrones importantes...
{3532}{3636}en abandonada area Syracuse  quienes son|los que han matado con esto bill.
{3675}{3748}Prometo conseguirle fondos|Iguales o mejores que...
{3752}{3814}Cualquiera de esas compa�ias|que le dieron en su ultima campa�a.
{3818}{3885}No estoy hablando de |contribuciones de campa�a, pobre weon.
{3889}{3956}Hablo acerca de mis contribuyentes|fuera de mi trabajo.
{3960}{4012}Jesus, weon- Despierta-
{4016}{4096}La seguridad nacional no es la unica cosa|que pasa en este pais.
{4213}{4275}La conversacion termino.
{4279}{4368}Te lo suplico, Phil.|Porfavor no.
{4372}{4438}He estado alli para usted en el pasado,|asi? fueron tiempos...
{4442}{4537}situaciones personales, cuando necesito|mi asistente y mi confianza.
{4541}{4624}Me estas chantajiando,|ambisioso e' mierda?
{4628}{4736}Lo siento, no podremos llegar a un acuerdo|con esto, Congresista.
{4740}{4809}Usted es un buen hombre.|La gente de su distriro es afortunada...
{4813}{4867}de que los represente.
{5008}{5097}Vamos. Vamos.
{9312}{9397}Permitame luchar la administracion.|Weno, lo acepto.
{9401}{9458}Pero esto es nuestro liderazgo|en la union...
{9462}{9546}tratando de obligarnos a firmar|algun, algun dulce contrato.
{9550}{9596}MIra-- Mira, todos saben...
{9600}{9687}que, que la gente|ha estado controlando a esots tipos,|desde que me acuerdo.
{9691}{9796}Y ahora, pff-- ahora obtubimos gorilas de Pintero|down there tuning up my people.
{9800}{9884}Bueno, primero, es una infracion de Hobbs|probablemente a RICO.
{9888}{9918}- Hey.|- Como lo haces, Eddie?|- Gracias.
{9922}{9963}- How you doin'?|- Bien.|- Bien!|- Gracias.
{9967}{10029}- Robert Dean.|- Tony O'Neill. Gusto en conocerte.
{10033}{10130}A Hobbs y a RICO.|Ooh, baby, no pares.
{10134}{10243}Suena como si ustedes necesitaran|un trabajo de abogado. Que paso?
{10247}{10311}Estubimos en Louie's hace 2 noches.|Voy a usar el ba�o...
{10315}{10350}y esotos dos fuckin' guidos saltan.
{10354}{10446}Uh, Prefiero que usemos el termino|"Italiano-Americanos."
{10450}{10536}Eh, como sea, pero ellos|realmente trabajarian para mi.|No podrian tomarlo enserio.
{10540}{10637}- Pero entonces Larry entro|y me persiguio.|- Uh, Larry cayo al hospital...
{10641}{10708}con la mandibula rota|y un ri�on reventado.
{10712}{10773}Llegara a ser|una investigacion criminal, Robert?
{10777}{10838}Um, no, tomaria a�os|verla asi.
{10842}{10910}Ademas,esta gente tiene familias|estan pasando por esto todos los dias.
{10961}{11042}Hey, Julie, puedes mandarme|una caja de Chianti a la cuenta de Larry?
{11046}{11092}- Larry paga?|- Si, el esta en Sn. Luke's.
{11096}{11171}Y mandale algunas flores a mi esposa,|Brenda. Ambos estan en el Rolodex.
{11175}{11232}Weno, Sr Dean.
{11261}{11335}- Bueno, porque ustedes|no se quedan en casa?|- Bakan.
{11339}{11433}Soy tu abogado. estoy haciendo|un trato con estos conshaesumadre.
{11437}{11493}Pintero no nos dara una oportunidad.
{11592}{11665}Ademas, como es la trucha?
{11669}{11730}- Tiene gusto a pescado.|- Es pescado.
{11734}{11820}No, Quiero decir|que no tiene sabor a algun pescado que haya probado.
{11921}{12017}La nota de Brill decia|que este es el video que usted neceita|para convencer a Pintero with.
{12021}{12130}Y despistar al FBI. Brill dijo|que el lugar estaba vigilado.
{12134}{12231}- Weno, cuando me voy a juntar con el?|- Pintero?
{12368}{12416}Ok. Um--
{12420}{12484}Guau. No es exactamente|la respuesta que esperabas.
{12487}{12538}Oh, y cual fue la respuesta|que esperabas?
{12542}{12626}Mmm, no se. Pronto.|Umm definitivamente mas temprano que tarde.
{12630}{12705}Bobby, porque tenemos|que pasar por esto cada vez?
{12709}{12804}Brill me hablo, le hable de ti.|Asi funciona la cosa.
{12808}{12857}Bueno, perdoname por ser|un poco incomodo...
{12861}{12925}al tratar con alguien que no conozco|Y no he conocido nunca.
{12928}{12986}Entonces no trabajo con el.
{13093}{13140}10 mil dolares.
{13144}{13222}Y Estoy tambien un poco|Incomodo teniendo que cargar|Ese tipo de efectivo.
{13226}{13271}Bueno, esto deber�a aligerar tu carga.
{13275}{13347}Yo no se si es el precio de Brill|eso esta subiendo tu comision.
{13351}{13420}Yo tomo el 15%, como siempre.
{13424}{13472}El honorario de Brill varia con el riesgo.
{13476}{13540}Quiza estaras mas comodo|con alguien mas.
{13544}{13637}- Que, otro ademas de Brill?|- Otro ademas de mi.
{13641}{13714}- Que pasa contigo?|- Oh, no hay nada malo conmigo.
{13718}{13842}Solo, tu cachay, alguien|complico|mucho mas la historia.
{13909}{13976}Me gusta tu historia, y me agradas tu.
{14004}{14065}Tambien me agrada.
{14110}{14201}Mira, solo quiero asegurarme|que no estoy quebrantando de ninguna manera la ley.
{14205}{14283}- No lo haces.|- Y como puedo estar seguro?
{14321}{14377}Porque no te dejaria.
{14591}{14727}Y, Sr Pintero, el tipo a la izquierda|Carl Matthews, preside el local 6650.
{14731}{14822}Y este es Dave Early,|secretario del tesoro nacional.
{14826}{14867}Oh, ahi mismo, ves--|ves ese tipo?
{14871}{14938}Uh, es es Hugh Simic.|Administra el fondo de pensiones.
{14942}{15065}Hey, tu vas a reconocer|Este cabro justo aqui.
{15069}{15127}Ese eres tu.|Estoy bien, Sr Pintero?
{15131}{15178}Ese no soy yo.
{15182}{15258}Dejalo mirar otro poco.
{15262}{15334}- Toma-- Toma un cuadro de esto.|- Todos dicen "monea."
{15338}{15389}Aqui viene una toma excelente.
{15393}{15444}Espera. Todos dicen "inocente."
{15448}{15520}Ahi; aqui viene.
{15524}{15610}- Ese no eres tu?|- Ese no soy yo.
{15614}{15685}Bueno, tu cachay, actualmente|son buenas nuevas para mi.
{15689}{15754}Es un peso enorme|sobre mis hombros.
{15758}{15829}Porque, tu sabes, las condiciones de|tu libertad condicional especificamente prohiben...
{15833}{15930}cualquier tipo de contacto|con oficiales de la union.
{15934}{16020}- Lo se.|- Bueno, Estoy-- Estoy diciendolo,|hipoteticamente...
{16024}{16133}tuvo que ser usted, Quiero decir,|usted seria devuelto a prision...
{16137}{16204}15-- Nose--|quiza 20 a�os-- siempre mas.
{16208}{16294}Pero, tu cachay, digo, que usted,|tan elocuentemente lo puso.
{16298}{16401}Me estay webiando?|Elocuentemente? Ese no soy yo.
{16405}{16501}Oh, no eres tu. Bueno, Lo siento|has perdido tu tiempo, caballero...
{16505}{16573}tu sabes,|no eres tu, um--
{16658}{16731}Oh, sabes que? Estoy pensando.|Quiza solo, usted sabe...
{16735}{16799}ejecute esta cinta m�s all� de|El querellante federal.
{16803}{16854}Tu sabes, tienen|rewenos VCRs alli.
{16858}{16920}Un monton de veces, pueden ver|cosas que no vemos.
{16924}{16988}Tu no estabas poniendo esto por nadie.
{17043}{17142}- Que quiere?|- Mis clientes quieren votar|su contrato sube o baja...
{17146}{17250}como ven el ajuste, sin,|decimos, cualquier influencia del exterior.
{17254}{17323}Ok. sientate.
{17327}{17387}- No, estoy bien, gracias.|- No, no estas bien.
{17391}{17480}Ahora, sienta tu raja!.
{17721}{17813}Me gustaria mis clientes poder|ejercer sus derechos contitucionales.
{17817}{17911}y si eso sucede,|esa cinta desaparecera para siempre|en mi coleccion privada...
{17915}{18019}junto con la pelicula Zapruder|y la porno desde el bunker de Hitler's .
{18049}{18102}- No tiene ninguna copia de esto?|- Absolutamente.
{18106}{18158}Quien lo hizo? Fuiste tu?
{18162}{18275}Soy abogado.|No hago videos.
{18279}{18325}Ahora escuchame,|shuchetumare.
{18329}{18402}Este video culiao|podria sslvarle la raja a nuestros clientes...
{18406}{18476}pero tu puedes estar cabronamente seguro|que esto no va a salvar a los suyos.
{18511}{18564}Ahora, quien hizo|la wea de video?
{18601}{18695}- Nose.|- Donde lo conseguiste?
{18699}{18778}Con un contacto.
{18782}{18857}Sr Dean, el tiene contactos.|Yo, tengo amigos. Nose.
{18861}{18917}Vic, llevalo afuera. vean|si hay cotactos ahi...
{18921}{18973}eso es la persuacion negra.
{18977}{19049}Carlos, porque no|sales de la silla?
{19085}{19152}Habla con el Sr Dean.
{19235}{19290}Quien shusha es tu contacto?
{19387}{19449}Escuchame. Quiero saber|quien hizo este video...
{19453}{19514}Pero quiero saberlo en la semana...
{19518}{19578}o lo matare.
{19667}{19720}Hey, sonrie.
{19724}{19782}- Que?|- Sonreirle al FBI.
{19938}{20046}- Quien es el hermano?|- No se, pero el no|me parece italiano, lo es?
{20050}{20134}Tenencia Harvest a 101.|Tenemos un convertible azul yendo hacia el este.
{20366}{20455}Dame un segundo.|Vea si podemos ver su patente.
{20621}{20676}Estoy parandome por live at the|Lockraven Reservoir right now...
{20680}{20748}where police and fire officials|are in the process of removing...
{20752}{20816}a classic Mercedes owned|by Republican Congressman...
{20820}{20886}Phillip Hamersly|de Syracuse, New York.
{20890}{20947}Esta accidente viene,|a estas alturas, en mal momento...
{20951}{21052}desde que el congresista|trabajo en esa controversial|parte de la legislacion, Dale...
{21056}{21136}opposing the Telecommunications|Security and Privacy Act.
{21140}{21216}Oficiales de bomberos me dijeron|que el congresista aparecio...
{21220}{21267}solo en el auto.
{21271}{21327}Lo confirmamos.|Sin embargo, bastante extra�o...
{21331}{21410}su perro favorito, Bob,|esta actualmente con la policia.
{21414}{21455}Entiendo que tenia|una historia de problemas al corazon.
{21459}{21508}Habia, de echo,|una historia de problemas al corazon.
{21512}{21595}En efecto, el congresista|tuvo una operacion a corazon abierto|solo un par de a�os atras.
{21599}{21702}Los de homicidios me dijeron|que encontraron una botella de pastillas en su velador.
{21706}{21781}Eso quizas signifique que el congresista--|y esoty especulando--
{21785}{21878}puede haber sufrido un ataque al corazon|antes de entrar al deposito de Lockraven.
{21882}{21936}El dejo atras una familia de cuatro.
{21940}{22012}Tendremos mas detalles|como se desarrolle la historia.
{22784}{22837}Necesito un10-27 en un...
{22841}{22927}brown and tan '75 GMC Jimmy.
{22931}{22995}D.C. tags. ocho, kilo...
{22998}{23058}seis, tres, nueve, cuatro.
{23062}{23114}And a 10-28 on the registered owner.
{23601}{23670}Jake, no me des|los numeros optimistas. Odio el optimismo.
{23674}{23710}- Se�or?|- I want to know how many votes|we have in the bank...
{23714}{23786}aren't gonna change their mind|every time the wind blows.
{23856}{23917}Podemos tener un problema|fuera del lago.
{23921}{24000}Este es Daniel Zavitz.|Es un fotografo naturista|quie estaba becado por el gobierno.
{24004}{24115}Uno de ellos es para monitorear|la conducta migratoria de los gansos canadienses.
{24119}{24167}O la flata del mismo.
{24171}{24260}La caja es llamada un cuero.|Contiene una camara de video digital...
{24264}{24320}activada con|un lente compuesto.
{24324}{24435}Se apunto directamente|a la rampa el barco a traves del lago.
{24724}{24803}Necesitamos dos tecnicos con capacidades electronicas|y dos gordos monticulos.
{24807}{24885}Llama a Fiedler para organizarlo,|y a Kramer...
{24889}{24931}para conseguir algunos ex-militares.
{24935}{25022}�Como describo yo el proyecto?
{25026}{25154}Lo llamo una operacion entrenamiento recibida aqui.|Establezca un enlase con el NRO.
{25157}{25241}- Bakan.|- Falsificando aprevacion del FBI.
{25245}{25345}Y nada de esto sale de nuestro equipo.|Y consiga el video culiao.
{25349}{25423}- Por supuesto.|- Tenga contacto con nuestro observador de pajaros.
{25516}{25595}Fiedler, es un wea. Nesecito|comunicarme con Daniel Leon Zavitz.
{25654}{25712}Y, mmm, Cual es nuestra autorizacion?
{25716}{25774}Nosotros le llamamos operacion de entrenamiento P-1.|La aprovacion del FBI.
{25799}{25840}Krug y Jones, se�or.
{25844}{25922}Estabamos con la unidad|marina n�22. Kramer nos mando.
{25926}{25988}- Oh, weno el corte.|- Treinta meses en|una penitenciaria federal...
{25992}{26068}en Marion, Illinois, por un GVH-1--|en su sargento de artilleria--|Que es todo eso?
{26072}{26185}El tipo era un aweonao, se�or,|y se lo merecia, si me disculpa.
{26360}{26452}Todo nuevo, dise�ado para hoy.
{26456}{26555}El auto electrico esta aqui.
{26583}{26622}Un sedan para ti.
{26626}{26675}Estoy parado|por el deposito de Lockraven...
{26679}{26752}altiro, los policias|y oficiales de bomberos|estan removiendo...
{26756}{26850}un mercedes clasico del|congresista republicano Phillip Hamersly.
{26854}{26918}Puede verlo aqui,|siendo removido al fondo.
{26922}{26986}Ahora, los oficiales de policia y bomberos|aren't saying much at this point.
{26990}{27062}No dicen mucho en este punto.|He dicho que el congresista...
{27066}{27172}iba solo en el vehiculo|cuando paso el accidente|solo unas horas antes.
{27176}{27245}Deberias saber que el congresista|sufre del corazon.
{27249}{27345}Los de homicidios|me dijeron que encontraron|una botella de pastillas en su velador.
{27349}{27428}Eso quizas signifique que el congresista--|y esot especulando eH--
{27432}{27508}haya sufrido un ataque al corazon antes|de llegar al deposito de  Lockraven.
{27512}{27590}Ademas dijo que no habia nadie|en el auto con el durante--
{27594}{27670}- Chucha la wea.|- Sin embargo, es bastante curioso,|que el perro del congresista, Bob--
{27731}{27787}...en el suelo,|este actualmente con la policia.
{27791}{27841}El es de Syracuse, New York.
{27845}{27953}El congresista era un adversario clave|de las telecomunicaciones|seguras y privadas.
{28011}{28067}- Nuevas calentitas.|- Lenny...
{28071}{28150}no vas a creer|lo que tengo.
{28154}{28218}- Zavitz. Hace tiempo.|- Lenny, Tengo...
{28221}{28295}el asesinato de Phil Hamersly en video.
{28299}{28354}Phil Hamersly murio|de un ataque al corazon.
{28358}{28435}Negativo. Hamersly se malgasto|profesionalmente bajo la direccion...
{28439}{28548}de algun psicoanalista con lo que|se parece a una grave deficiencia de vitamina D.
{28552}{28659}- Weno, como obtuviste el video?|- mi estudio de la conservacion|en el lago, fotografio el asesinato.
{28663}{28747}- �Me estay webiando?-|- La camara fue apuntada|directamente a traves delmuelle...
{28751}{28797}justo hacia donde Phil Hamersly fue asesinado.
{28801}{28897}- Cuan rapido puedes traerme|esa cinta?|- Estoy haciendo una copia ahora mismo.
{28901}{28961}Uh, Mark, Tengo que tomar esto.
{28965}{29054}Bakan. Gracias.|Llama si mecesitas algo.
{29178}{29276}- Fiedler, �esta linea es segura?|- Si, lo es, se�or.|- Adelante.
{29280}{29328}Zavitz esta hablando|a Lenny Bloom...
{29332}{29381}un antiguo activista anti-guerra.
{29385}{29483}El publico una variedad|de boletines izquierdistas|sobre varios sujetos politicos.
{29487}{29580}- Esta tomando el video|de las oficinas de Bloom ahora. Alla.|- Intrviene Bloom.
{29584}{29681}- Y danos un satelite|dedicado para esta operacion.|- Listo.
{29687}{29747}Bakan, mmm, Julie, Me voy a tomar|el resto del dia.
{29751}{29839}Uh, termina mis compras de navidad.|Quiero descanzar mi cabeza.
{29869}{29957}Hey, �ropa interior?
{29961}{30035}Bakan.|Te vere en la ma�ana.
{30074}{30133}- Hola.|- Hola.
{30137}{30183}�Que estas haciendo?
{30187}{30239}�Porque?, hola.
{30243}{30298}- Hola.|- Hey, hola.|- �Puedo ayudarte?
{30302}{30388}- Oh, si.|- �Ves algo que te guste?
{30392}{30473}- Uh, Soy casado.|- Eso se permite.
{30477}{30532}Uh-- Uh, um, Solo--|Necesito-- Necesito algo...
{30536}{30594}uh, un-- un regalo de navidad.
{30598}{30675}- �Para tu esposa ?|-Si, de-de varios a�os.|Somos -- Somos, oh, si.
{30679}{30778}- Entonces, tu quieres algo|ropa interior para tu esposa?|- Si, si, Eso quisiera.
{30782}{30835}Te gusta Christian Dior?
{30839}{30953}Tu cachay, Tengo que ser realmente|honesta contigo. Mmm, realmente no tengo|experiencia con esot.
{30957}{31021}- Nose--|- Vete de aqui-
{31024}{31092}Di-digo, no me mal interpretes. Digo,|Soy experimentado, tu sabes, desde--
{31096}{31156}- �Si?.|- desde otra perspectiva.|- ESO.|- So-solo--
{31160}{31250}Tu sabes, No quiero estar aqui|y, tu sabes, parezco aweonao.
{31254}{31300}Muy tarde.
{31304}{31365}- Yeah. �Cual es la talla?|- Lo siento
{31389}{31461}- Oh, mi esposa. Oh.|- Si.|- Uh, es-ella es, um--
{31465}{31525}- Es mas o menos, uh-- ella--|- Talla seis.
{31529}{31583}Siii, eso, ella es, mmm--|Ella es-- Ella es seis.
{31587}{31637}Bien. �Y cual es la copa del busto?
{31699}{31760}Oh- Oh, Ella es mas grande que eso.
{31764}{31836}Osea, uh, no--|Digo, no notablemente.
{31840}{31920}- Ups.|- Le deberia dar un reloj...
{31928}{31982}- Hasta ahora--|- �Hola?
{31986}{32095}- Soy yo, Ruthie.|- Mierda.|- Uh, desconectaron de nuevo mi telefono.
{32099}{32191}Uh, el mio tampoco funciona.|Creo que es un problema con la linea.
{32268}{32358}Dejame pedir prestado|para pagar el telefono, hombre.
{32362}{32427}Vamos. Tengo que llamar al Dr. Mike.
{32627}{32733}Danny, Siempre te pago.|Ya po-
{32932}{33011}Abre la puerta-
{33015}{33065}Mierda. Concha.
{33166}{33235}- Ya po,weon-|- Uh, un minuto.
{33239}{33323}- Voy a...|- Ya pos, Danny-
{33363}{33425}Ya po. Ya po.
{33467}{33545}Oh, Mierda.
{33752}{33813}Anda la mierda.|No funciona.
{33879}{33947}Lo tengo- Lo tengo-|Esta en su escondite-
{33986}{34104}- El esta fuera.|- Dame el tiempo real de las imagenes|de LAT 38, 55, LONG 77, 00.
{34108}{34160}Eso. Base, este es el control local.
{34164}{34220}Solicsite de inmediato|el grupo de asalto. Maxima resolucion.
{34224}{34290}LAT 38, 55, LONG 77, 00. Fuera.
{34294}{34367}Roger ese. Necesitare un minuto|en el satelite visual. Fuera.
{34371}{34450}Corre, corre, Danny-|Tienen armas- Vamos-
{34454}{34509}- �Donde esta?|- Esta en el techo. Ahi. Vamos-
{34571}{34667}-Ok, vienen las imagenes del satelite.|-Roger ahi. Patch cacha, mi ubicacion.
{34671}{34728}Confirmado. Muchas gracias.|Air One, adelante.
{34732}{34810}Todas las unidades:|El blanco se dirige al norte por rooftop.
{34814}{34885}Columbia y la 18.|Solicite apoyo visual de inmediato. Fuera.
{34889}{34933}Roger ahi. Lo tenemos cachado.
{35255}{35324}Todos muevanse.|Salto al edificio contiguo.
{35446}{35518}- Todas las unidades,|Esta entrando por atras--|- Entering entrance of Captain lke's.
{35522}{35594}- Captain lke's.|- Roger.
{35819}{35883}Salga del camino-
{36131}{36195}- Air One, avistado, el sospechoso|va hacia la entrada del frente.|- Por Columbia.
{36199}{36256}- Detalle el frente del edificio por Columbia.|- Copia.
{36439}{36506}Lo tengo- Lo tengo-
{36533}{36592}Todas las unidades, blanco|interceptado en la barberia.
{36799}{36873}- Ah- pura mierda-|Lo perdimos; lo perdimos.|- Lo perdimos-
{36877}{36957}- No puedo--|- Unidades en persecucion, blanco visto saliendo|de la barberia por un callejon. Siganlo.
{37213}{37254}- Ok, Estoy en el blanco. No puedo ver nada.|- Air One, perdimos la visual.
{37258}{37326}- Lo tengo. �Que tienes?|- �Quien lo tiene?
{37395}{37456}Zavitz- Dan Zavitz-
{37499}{37581}Hey, mmm-- Soy yo, Bobby Dean. Estabamos|juntos en Georgetown. �Estas bien?
{37585}{37666}- Ayudame.|- Estas herido?|- �Que lo hace pensar eso, se�or?
{37670}{37737}Si, esta es  Becky.|Becky, di hola.
{37741}{37823}Soy-- �Me das un segundo, porfa?
{37850}{37889}Oh, el tiene razon Pratt.|El corre de Pratt a Connecticut.
{37893}{37972}- Pratt, he's on your 6:00. Date vuelta.|- Eso-
{37976}{38041}Muevete, muevete, muevete.|Fuera del paso-
{38045}{38157}Hey, hey-|Vuelve, weon- Vuelve-
{38161}{38244}Hey, Lo tengo-
{38248}{38299}Blanco va hacia el norte--|norte en Connecticut.
{38303}{38348}Ok, lo tengo.
{38352}{38422}Vamos, vamos, vamos, vamos-
{38673}{38751}Switching targets. Switching.|Now heading southbound|towards DuPont circle.
{39481}{39545}Target down on Connecticut Avenue.|Air One, confirmado.
{39548}{39647}Target is down.|Target is down permanently.
{39911}{39985}- What happened?|- A guy on a bike got creamed.
{40082}{40135}Oh, Jesus.
{40854}{40907}- I'm beatin' you.|- Yeah, right.
{40911}{40990}- Oh, you are.|- Oh, sh--
{40994}{41051}- Hey, hey-|- I'm beatin' you.|- No, I'm beatin' you.
{41055}{41128}- I just caught up.|- Hello.|- Oh, yeah?|- Hi, Mr Dean.
{41132}{41193}Am I in the wrong house?
{41197}{41262}I'm looking for an eight-year-old boy,|about yea high.
{41266}{41332}- Kinda good-looking. Allegedly my son.|- No.
{41336}{41427}- Hmm. Maybe he's behind the TV.|- Eric?|- Mr Dean-|- Dad-
{41431}{41473}- Eric?|- Mr Dean, get out-|- Get out of the way-
{41477}{41534}What? What? Oh, I'm sorry.
{41538}{41618}- Are those my Christmas presents?|- Yep, some of 'em.
{41622}{41675}- Can I open 'em?|- Si, demas. Toma.
{41679}{41756}- Seriously?|- In your dreams, buddy. Beat it.|- Dad-
{41760}{41824}- Are you staying for dinner|tonight, Dylan?|- If it's okay with you.
{41827}{41896}- Got any money?|- Money?|- He's kidding.
{41900}{41971}- I'm going to sleep over|at Dylan's, okay?|- Did you ask your mother?
{41975}{42039}I was going to, but she's|too busy yelling at the TV.
{42042}{42141}Oh, well, there goes the Fourth|Amendment-- what's left of it.
{42145}{42211}- Hey, Maria.|- Hello, Mr Bobby.
{42215}{42289}Don't you honestly doubt|that the average citizen--
{42293}{42357}Hey, you're about a bark-and-a-half|from being homeless.
{42360}{42447}Baby, listen to|this fascist gas bag.
{42451}{42515}- Uh-oh.|- ...and freedom have|always existed in a--
{42518}{42644}in a very precarious balance,|and when buildings start blowing up,|people's priorities tend to change.
{42648}{42725}- He's got a point there, sweetie.|- Bobby-
{42729}{42837}- Digo, Quien es este idiota?|- He is talking about ending|personal privacy.
{42841}{42939}- Do you want your phone tapped?|- I'm not plannin' on|blowing up the country.
{42943}{43025}Well, how do we know until we've heard|all your dirty little secrets?
{43029}{43102}You're just gonna have to trust me.
{43106}{43176}Oh, I know.|We'll just tap the criminals.
{43180}{43239}We won't suspend the civil rights|of the good people.
{43243}{43311}- Right.|- Then who decides which is which?
{43315}{43408}- I think you should.|- You know, Bobby, I think you|should take this more seriously.
{43412}{43478}Honey, I think you're taking it|seriously enough for both of us...
{43482}{43556}and half the people on the block.
{43626}{43692}Tens of millions of foreign nationals|living within our borders...
{43696}{43766}and many of these people consider|the United States their enemy.
{43770}{43885}- And they see acts of terrorism as--|- You remember Daniel Zavitz?
{43889}{43956}- We were at Georgetown together?|- Vaguely.
{43960}{44045}- Lo vi hoy.|- Que estaba haciendo?
{44049}{44113}- Esta muerto.|- Que?
{44117}{44223}- He got hit by a fire engine|pretty much in front of my eyes.|- Oh, my God-
{44227}{44295}I ran into him in a store,|and he was upset about something.
{44299}{44348}- Sobre que?|- no se.
{44352}{44425}Before we had a chance to talk about it,|he ran out of the store...
{44429}{44520}and next time I saw him,|he was dead.
{44524}{44590}Baby- Ven pa'ca.
{44594}{44678}Ohh, Te amo tanto-
{44682}{44732}Tambien te amo, corazon.
{44790}{44858}Oh, that's not even to mention|the gangster that threatened|to kill me today.
{44862}{44965}- Hah- Very funny-|- Oh, you think? Hilarious.
{44969}{45036}- Hmm. What'd you get me?|- A bowling ball.
{45068}{45142}No more of that MSNBC terrorist talk.|You're scaring the kids.
{45146}{45230}We'll be back with your phone calls for|Congressman Sam Albert right after this.
{45282}{45351}- Tell me.|- Zavitz is dead. So is Lenny,|the guy from the paper.
{45355}{45417}- What about the tape?|- We found the original|in Zavitz's apartment.
{45421}{45464}- The original?|- There was a copy.
{45468}{45526}- There was a copy?|- I think so, sir.|- Any more good news?
{45530}{45594}They never made it to the newspaper,|but there was a private sector contact.
{45597}{45650}- Who was that?|- Several indiscriminants|and one primary.
{45654}{45706}- Who?|- Robert Dean.|He's a D.C. Iabour lawyer.
{45710}{45802}Lives in Georgetown with his wife,|Carla Dean. She's also an attorney.
{45806}{45856}She's with the ACLU, as it happens.
{45860}{45932}Well, I suppose he could've given it|directly to Bob Woodward.
{45936}{46045}Maybe we dodged a bullet.|Find out what Dean knows.
{46049}{46095}- Make contact.|- Yes, sir.
{46099}{46175}I hate doing this at Christmas.
{46266}{46317}Fiedler, we need|a complete FinCEN, EPIC...
{46321}{46374}and a DRD work-up|on a Robert Clayton Dean.
{46378}{46495}His social's 986-26-0901.|Pull up keyhole data files, okay?
{46499}{46579}Let's go-|Let's get this show on the road-
{46583}{46681}Eric, just call me in the morning|when you want me to come pick you up.
{46685}{46755}You know, if you decide|you want to stay at Dylan's|till the end of the weekend...
{46759}{46842}or the end of the century,|your mom and I have discussed it.
{46846}{46931}It'll be difficult initially,|but we think we can live with it.
{46935}{47013}Dad's kidding.|He's gonna miss you, just like me.
{47064}{47148}Honey, hurry back.|You know what that means.
{47152}{47209}Mm-hmm. That you're gonna|be asleep when I get back.
{47213}{47279}That only happened|one time, sweetie.
{47283}{47367}We're running|a comprehensive database search.
{47371}{47424}Brian did a preliminary|analysis and comparison...
{47428}{47499}and he came up with|some pretty interesting stuff.
{47563}{47627}Thanks, Brian.
{47630}{47691}Thank you.
{47695}{47770}Prioritize his phone bill.
{47774}{47836}Who's he been calling?
{47882}{47935}- Oh, man. Check this one.|- Who?
{47939}{48029}Rachel F-For-You-Know-What Banks. God,|would I love to have her ruin my life.
{48033}{48088}Do a cross.
{48092}{48148}They were at Georgetown|together, sophomore year.
{48152}{48223}They have the same address,|same phone number.
{48227}{48323}They remain close.|Many calls, regardless of marriage.
{48327}{48383}- Oh, here we go.|- What?
{48387}{48452}Dean, over the past 18 months...
{48456}{48564}has four, five, seven cash|withdrawals of 4,000, 5,000...
{48568}{48626}and up, and up...
{48630}{48690}and each time,|the delectable Miss Banks...
{48694}{48758}makes large cash deposits|of her own within a day or two.
{48762}{48882}- Blackmail?|- Well, her deposits aren't the same,|but let me figure this out.
{48886}{49012}Ah, yes, they're exactly-- exactly|15 percent of the amount Dean withdrew.
{49016}{49088}Brian, can we get some more?
{49092}{49173}I mean, you know, we got the blimp cam,|we got the police officer cam...
{49177}{49275}we've got, uh, two ATM cameras,|but this is the one showing promise.
{49279}{49350}This is the security camera|at the underwear store. Freeze there.
{49387}{49470}Rotate us 75 degrees|around the vertical, please.
{49474}{49538}Freeze there. Times ten.
{49601}{49647}Focus on the drop.
{49717}{49767}Enhance, then forward frame-by-frame.
{49856}{49937}All right. Now, just before|the view's blocked, there's|a shape change in Dean's bag.
{49941}{49994}See the shadow variance? See?
{49998}{50110}The shadow's wrong. Zavitz changed|the configuration of Dean's packages.
{50114}{50188}- Is it a tape?|- It's hard to say for sure.|These things are--
{50192}{50284}- Can the computer take us|around to the other side?|- It can hypothesize. Chris?
{50288}{50385}- Yeah?|- Can you rotate us 75 degrees|around the vertical, please?
{50469}{50554}- What do you think it is?|- It looks a lot bigger than a tape.
{50558}{50652}Zavitz had digital compression|equipment in his apartment.|He could've downloaded it to anything.
{50656}{50702}Or maybe the bag twisted|in Dean's hand.
{50706}{50792}Or something moved in front|of the light and altered|the shadow. Maybe it's nothing.
{50796}{50868}Maybe it's everything.|Let's get it and find out.
{50934}{50987}Beat it. I got work to do.
{50991}{51059}Go. Porsche-
{51155}{51226}Go away-
{51230}{51266}Damn it, Porsche-
{51299}{51353}- Hello, Mr Dean?|- Uh, yes. Can I help you?
{51357}{51452}This is Detective Benning.|I'm Pratt. We're with D.C. Metro.
{51456}{51546}Uh, sorry to bother you at home, sir.|We were just hoping to ask you|a few questions about Daniel Zavitz.
{51550}{51615}- Wh-- I'm s-- Can I see|your badges, please?|- Certainly, sir.
{51718}{51797}All right. Come on.|Back up, Porsche.
{51870}{51913}- All right. Nice and smooth.|Come on, boys.|- Okay.
{51917}{51968}I didn't really see the accident.|I don't know whose fault it was.
{51972}{52062}- Oh, we're not here to talk|about the accident, Mr Dean.|- I'm sorry, I thought you said|you were here--
{52066}{52122}We should apologize|for the confusion, sir.
{52126}{52180}It's just that we're handling|a different aspect of the inquiry.
{52184}{52272}Um, it turns out Mr Zavitz was|involved in an extortion scheme.
{52276}{52352}- What kind of watch is that?|- Did you represent Mr Zavitz|as an attorney?|- It's an Omega.
{52356}{52433}- No, I didn't.|- So you're not constrained|by attorney-client privilege?
{52437}{52501}- Shh-shh. Yeah, that's correct.|- You see, Mr Dean...
{52505}{52587}we have reason to believe|that Mr Zavitz may have passed|sensitive materials to you.
{52627}{52715}- What kind of materials?|- Well, sensitive, so we're hoping|that you could tell us that.
{52745}{52794}Uh, no, he-he didn't pass me anything.
{52798}{52880}These voice stress points indicate|a really high degree of anxiety.
{52884}{52961}- Anxiety about what?|- That's the nature of physics.
{52965}{53035}If he'd have given me something,|I would've known.
{53039}{53117}- Oh, he's lying-|- What about your packages, sir?
{53121}{53191}Could something have slipped in amongst|the purchases without your knowledge?
{53195}{53266}Excuse me. Daniel Zavitz|did not give me anything.
{53270}{53342}- That's a Parker pen.|- It's a Mont Blanc.
{53346}{53420}He didn't secrete it|into any of my bodily orifices.
{53424}{53496}- Whatever it is, I don't have it.|- Could we look at them?
{53500}{53578}- I don't think so.|Not without a warrant.|- Oh, Christ.
{53582}{53643}- This guy's good.|- How did you happen|to be at Ruby's today?
{53647}{53703}I was shopping for some lingerie.|That's still legal, isn't it?
{53707}{53795}- You buying that for your wife?|- No, I was, uh, picking|something up for myself.
{53799}{53874}I do a little cross-dressing|on the weekends.|You know, you'd be surprised...
{53878}{53947}how a nice pair of edible panties|can make a guy feel sexy.
{53951}{54046}We thought it might be|for Rachel Banks.
{54050}{54106}Good night, gentlemen.
{54140}{54213}- Good night, sir.|- Good night, Mr Dean.
{54618}{54699}What are they talking about, Porsche?|There's nothing here.
{54856}{54907}Honey, I'm home.
{54937}{55018}Uh, yeah, uh, just a second, sweetie.
{55205}{55271}Well, either he's getting ready|to do something with it,|or he doesn't know he has it.
{55275}{55351}Or he doesn't have it.
{55355}{55408}You know what I've seen?
{55412}{55529}I've seen killers walk free|because the eyewitness was an alcoholic.
{55533}{55608}I've seen sex offenders|that couldn't be touched|because the victim was a call girl.
{55612}{55752}Credibility-- It's the only|currency that means anything|on this kind of playing field.
{55756}{55854}Dean's got the tape,|and he's gonna come out with it; and|when he does, I want his credibility.
{55858}{55923}I want people to know he's lying|before they hear what he says.
{55927}{56002}We could take his wife and kid.|He'd give it up for them.
{56006}{56067}We'd have the police and the FBI|all over this in 24 hours.
{56071}{56151}Put taps on his 20|most frequently called numbers,|and let's get into his life.
{56155}{56223}The union situation has--|has mob written all over it.
{56227}{56276}And he's definitely vulnerable|on Rachel Banks.
{56280}{56323}I want to know about his wife,|I want to know about his parents...
{56327}{56406}I want to know about|his gambling problems,|his urine samples, his porno rentals.
{56410}{56475}I want to use every means possible|to get what we need...
{56479}{56551}because this little|son of a bitch is not going to be|the final chapter of my life.
{56691}{56741}- Tell me something.|- Uh-oh.
{56745}{56840}How did you find out Pintero|was associated with union officials?
{56844}{56914}I'm just that good.
{56918}{56983}I hired an investigator.
{57207}{57271}- Hey.|- Shut up the dog-
{57274}{57378}My mom used to have one of these.|Come on. Ow- The dog bit me-
{57382}{57487}- Oh, who was the investigator?|- Wh-- I-- What do you mean? His name?
{57491}{57588}Come on, Bobby. You know what I'm|asking. Is it the guy who Rachel knows?
{57621}{57667}Ca-- Why do we-- Why do we have|to go through this every time?
{57671}{57787}- Bobby, I'm just asking, okay?|- Carla, Rachel Banks is not|an issue any more.
{58168}{58277}You are the only woman|in the world for me.
{58281}{58340}You and Janet Jackson.
{58344}{58430}I-l have to be honest.|If-lf Janet Jackson called me...
{58434}{58502}I w-- I-- I might have to change|my last name to Jackson.
{58506}{58603}Yeah, right. I'd have to break|that woman's legs too.
{58805}{58890}- Lower, lower,|like kids would do it, damn it.|- You sound like a fuckin' old lady.|Shut up.
{58894}{58969}Ooh, sensitive.
{58973}{59050}All right. Jones has some issues|we need to resolve.
{59096}{59158}- Oh. Hey, Control, they are home.|- Uh-oh.
{59302}{59358}Move, guys.
{59362}{59407}Oh, nice blender.
{59557}{59621}Oh, my God.
{59718}{59758}Oh, Porsche.
{59820}{59923}Oh, damn. The dog is green.
{59927}{60000}Jones painted the-- the dog-
{60004}{60072}This is Robert Dean, 2811 Sutton.|I'd like to report a break-in.
{60076}{60147}I don't know. Um, it's been vandalized.|From the looks of it, i-it's kids...
{60151}{60209}but I need a squad car|here immediately.
{60422}{60521}- Here we go.|- We'll be checking out the rest|of the house, sir, ma'am.
{60676}{60736}At least they left me one.
{60872}{60930}How do you know|it wasn't Pintero?
{60934}{61003}I don't. It was just|kind of frivolous.
{61007}{61080}I guess I'm just hopin'|it was kids.
{61617}{61676}What have we here?
{61745}{61811}I think we have a winner.
{61843}{61891}Phone for phone.
{61895}{61953}- Take any of your clothes?|- No.
{61957}{62015}They threw all my shoes|and suits in the tub...
{62019}{62065}and spray painted my damn dog.
{62100}{62153}- Black.|- Black.
{62157}{62205}Perfect. How does that look?
{62209}{62270}Paging Mr Dean.
{62274}{62334}We have you bugged, Mr Dean.
{62338}{62454}They thrashed my computers,|my big-screen TV-- They took my blender.
{62458}{62516}- What about jewellery?|- Nope.
{62520}{62613}- What about silverware?|- Nope. Just my blender.
{62617}{62683}- Blender, huh?|- Loved that blender.
{62687}{62755}You know, I did stuff|when I was a kid.
{62759}{62826}I mean, not breaking-and-entering,|but, you know, stuff.
{62830}{62909}Yeah, we all did stuff. I just wish|they hadn't stolen my damn blender.
{62913}{62980}You seem a little attached|to this blender, Robert.
{62984}{63095}Yeah, well, some people meditate,|some people get massages.
{63099}{63190}- I blend.|- You're really weird, you know that?
{63194}{63296}Yeah, then on top of it, the only suit|they leave me is three years old.
{63300}{63345}Hasn't gotten any better with age.
{63405}{63485}Blow over? I'm not--|I'm not gonna sit around|and wait for this to blow over-
{63489}{63576}Jerry, l-- I'm, I'm suing their|right-wing asses right into Chapter 11-
{63580}{63656}This is flagrant- They never even called|to see what my side of the story was-
{63660}{63728}- They have no Sullivan|protection with this-|- Mr Dean?
{63732}{63786}- Yes.|- Rachel Banks is on line one...
{63790}{63849}and, uh, Silverberg and Blake|would like to see you|in the conference room.
{63853}{63945}All right. Uh, Jerry, uh,|I got to take this call. All right.
{63949}{64035}- Hey, what's up?|- My firm called me this morning|telling me not to come in.
{64039}{64095}- What? Why not?|- I don't know.
{64099}{64168}Reporters are calling, asking me|about my relationship with you...
{64172}{64236}and how long|I've worked for the mob.
{64240}{64302}- The mob, Bobby.|- Jesus.
{64306}{64393}- Do you know how hard|I worked to get this job?|- Yeah, I know. I know.
{64397}{64471}Mr Dean, Silverberg and Blake|are still waiting to see you|in the conference room.
{64475}{64551}- I heard you the first time.|Thank you.|- Look. You got your own problems.
{64555}{64603}Uh, no, Rachel. It's fine.
{64607}{64660}Oh, g--
{64819}{64878}I just got off the phone|with a source that I trust.
{64882}{64981}A grand jury is being convened|to look into your labour practise...
{64985}{65051}as far back as the|electrical workers' strike.
{65055}{65180}- And why is that?|- They claim you helped create a shell|company for Sam Villotti in Zurich...
{65184}{65278}and that through your continuing|relationship, the Peitso family|has been able...
{65282}{65402}to exert influence and provide|false witness to discredit our case.
{65406}{65452}- Oh, well, that's true.|- You're admitting it?
{65456}{65555}Sure. Everything except|setting up a company in Zurich...
{65559}{65615}or even knowing anyone|named Sam Villotti...
{65619}{65716}or having any relationship|whatsoever to the Peitso family-
{65720}{65792}- This is ridiculous-|- Robert--|- Uh, Mark, I'm tell you.
{65796}{65837}This is Pintero.|He's coming back after me.
{65841}{65908}You give me one week-- one week|and four guys from litigation...
{65912}{65981}and I guarantee you,|we have this guy begging us--
{65985}{66042}Tell us about Rachel Banks.
{66112}{66196}Tell you what. Uh, she was my girlfriend|the second year of law school.
{66200}{66308}We keep in touch.|We-We toss one another some work|every once in a while. Uh, that's it.
{66312}{66390}Did you have an affair|with her four years ago?
{66455}{66517}You ever beat off|in the shower, Brian?
{66521}{66570}Hmm? You ever have|any homosexual thoughts?
{66574}{66695}- Bobby, that is--|- None of my fucking business-|You're damn right it's not-
{66699}{66768}I love my wife,|and I love my son absolutely...
{66772}{66867}with no equivocations, and that's|none of your fuckin' business either-
{66871}{66925}Uh, we think that you|should take a leave of absence...
{66929}{66977}until we're able|to, uh, sort all this out.
{66981}{67051}- Are you firing me?|- I think you just fired yourself.
{67444}{67540}Where is she, Jen?
{67544}{67603}- Don't go in there.|She doesn't want to talk to you.|- Why not?
{67607}{67677}Because she's reading the paper.
{67764}{67815}- Asshole.|- Carla--
{67871}{67949}- How could you let me|find out like this?|- I'm findin' out like this.
{67953}{68017}This is all lies.|Th-- None of this stuff is true.
{68020}{68086}- So you're saying|you weren't there with her?|- Yes, I had lunch with her.
{68090}{68177}We have lunch once a month. She's the|contact for the investigator, Brill.
{68181}{68284}You were right about that. Someone|must have taken this picture off the|security camera outside the restaurant.
{68288}{68383}- You said she wasn't an issue.|- She's not- I have to see her|for business.
{68387}{68493}-And l-- And I knew if I told you that--|-Bobby, you had an affair|with this woman- An affair.
{68497}{68561}We went to a counsellor for a year-
{68564}{68663}And now you're standin' there lyin'|about even seein' her? You make me sick-
{68736}{68840}Carla, I am smeared all over|the newspapers for money-laundering|schemes, mob ties--
{68844}{68916}I lost my job. I am asking you--
{68920}{69022}I'm asking you to please just trust me|on this Rachel Banks thing right now.
{69026}{69143}How in God's name can I trust you?|Bobby, I want you to leave.
{69147}{69211}- Carla, I'm telling you|that this is all bullshit-|- I don't wanna hear anything else.
{69214}{69314}I don't wanna hear anything else.|I cannot think with you in my face.|I want you to leave.
{69318}{69371}- What do you need to think about?|- Bobby, get out-|- I'm telling you it's bullshit-|- Get out-
{69375}{69439}Just leave, so I can think-|For me, okay? Just leave.
{69443}{69552}Just go, Bobby. Go. Go.
{69625}{69698}- You want a blend?|- Yeah.
{69919}{70015}- Hi.|- Hi. Uh, I'd like to have a room|for the evening, please.
{70019}{70098}Okay. Thank you.
{70184}{70283}-I'm sorry, sir. This card was declined.|-Declined? This is a brand-new card.|Try it again, please.
{70287}{70360}Yes, sir.
{70397}{70464}You know, maybe it's|not activated yet.
{70468}{70533}Thank you.|Run this one, please. Thank you.
{70537}{70606}Yes, sir.
{70610}{70671}No, it didn't go through.
{70675}{70720}- But I'll try it again.|- N-No, thank you.
{70763}{70822}- My briefcase is gone.|- Excuse me, sir?
{70826}{70890}- My briefcase was right here.|- Are you sure you brought it in?
{70893}{70960}Yes, I'm sure I brought it in-
{71049}{71132}Hi. This is Rachel.|Leave a message after the beep.
{71136}{71195}Hey, Rachel, it's Bobby.|Uh, I need to talk to you...
{71199}{71249}and I need to talk to you|face-to-face.
{71253}{71354}Uh, meet me tomorrow, 11:00 a.m.,|Mount Vernon Square. I'll see you then.
{71668}{71710}All right, we're moving into|phase two of the training op.
{71714}{71787}Selb's gonna brief you on it,|so listen up, all right?
{71791}{71837}We're gonna be following|the subjects through the square.
{71841}{71942}We're gonna have three listening|stations and two video surveillance|units with unidirectional mikes.
{71946}{72018}Pratt, you're three.|Jones, Fiedler, Krug...
{72022}{72076}you guys are at ground level.|You'll be following the targets.
{72080}{72131}You move when I say,|you go when I say.
{72135}{72193}All handoffs go on my command.
{72197}{72261}Now, for the uninitiated,|if we don't have line-of-sight...
{72264}{72328}we can't hear|what they say, right?
{72332}{72382}- Right?|- Yeah. Got it.
{72386}{72458}- All right. You guys clear?|- Yeah.|- Yeah.
{72462}{72514}Jones, Krug, what, are you guys|from communications?
{72518}{72588}- No, we're ops.|- You can tell by their haircuts.
{72785}{72862}I would like to sit down|with Mr Pintero in private...
{72866}{72910}so he and I can discuss|what's happening to me.
{72914}{72963}I called; they said he was here.
{72967}{73027}Mr Pintero would like to help you.
{73090}{73151}- But he won't.|- And why not?
{73155}{73212}Well, because first, you haven't|told him who made the tape...
{73216}{73341}and second, we've spent hundreds|of thousands of dollars...
{73345}{73399}on shyster lawyers just like you...
{73403}{73509}because of shyster lawyers|just like you.
{73536}{73595}Actually, I believe|the slur "shyster"...
{73599}{73675}is generally reserved|for Jewish attorneys.
{73679}{73749}I believe the proper slur|for someone like myself...
{73753}{73806}would be, uh, "eggplant."
{73810}{73884}Boom. This kid gets brighter|every time I see him.
{74026}{74111}- You said 11:00 sharp.|- I know. Uh, Christmas|traffic is horrible.
{74164}{74290}You know, it's not so smart, us being|seen together in public like this.
{74294}{74372}- Do we have anything to hide?|- Heavy background on one.|Could we do better on audio two?
{74376}{74447}- Unfortunately not.|- Two is better.
{74451}{74498}IRS contacted me this morning.
{74502}{74607}- Two, you're good. Hold position.|- They say my lifestyle|exceeds my income.
{74611}{74660}Ohh. You're being audited?
{74664}{74753}For the last four years.|What's going on, Bobby?
{74757}{74858}Uh, look, don't worry about that.|W-- My firm will represent you|completely free of charge.
{74862}{74965}- Eighty percent.|- You don't work there|any more, remember?
{74969}{75043}- It's a temporary situation.|- Your 80's becoming a 20.|- Bullshit.|- Move to audio three.
{75047}{75117}- On three. Much better. Much better.|- We're screwed.
{75121}{75180}- Wake up, one.|- We are out.
{75240}{75313}Rachel, I'm going to fix this.
{75317}{75362}- How?|- Tell me about Brill.
{75366}{75459}- Did he say "Bill"?|- No, "Brill," with an "R."|- I can't do that.
{75463}{75529}- Cross-reference Rachel's file.|See if the name "Brill" comes up.|- Got it.
{75533}{75633}Rachel, don't you see that he is|the key to this whole mess?
{75637}{75708}From the second you gave me that tape,|my life has been falling apart.
{75712}{75763}You assured me|that this-this guy was legit.
{75767}{75851}- You needed information;|I got it for you.|- Two, you're good. Hold position.
{75855}{75946}- Three is good.|- This conversation is over.
{75999}{76077}- Okay, here we go.|- What are you gonna do?|You gonna wander around--|- Two, you gotta do better.
{76081}{76150}- Want your job back--|- Shit.|- Do you want your life back?
{76154}{76218}I don't have a life.
{76221}{76286}I'm in love with a married man.
{76417}{76483}Okay, I have 'em on the bench.
{76487}{76613}Rachel, I'm sorry, but there's|nothing I can do about that.
{76617}{76700}What makes you think it's you?
{76730}{76810}It's not me?
{76814}{76860}I j-- I just as-assumed from--
{76864}{76974}- You're a moron, you know that?|- Yes. I know.
{77083}{77171}Rachel, you're gonna have|to tell me about Brill.
{77208}{77258}Let's get outta here.
{77262}{77322}All right. They're on the move.
{77326}{77422}- Comin' to three.|- Stay with 'em.|- I got 40's, 20--
{77469}{77540}- You're following through trees.|Two, can you track them?|- I lost line-of-sight.
{77544}{77614}- Repeat, I have lost line-of-sight.|- Three, you've got nothing.
{77618}{77729}- Lost line-of-sight. I'm out.|- We lost audio. It's gone. But we have|his tracers. We can still follow 'em.
{77733}{77779}When I need to reach Brill, l--
{77783}{77861}I chalk the mailbox|outside my house.
{77865}{77938}When he crosses the mark,|I make the drop.
{77942}{78038}The location's always the same--|same time, same place.
{78042}{78120}3:00 p.m. ferry to Gibson lsland.
{78124}{78191}- You ever see him in person?|- He's the cautious type.
{78195}{78276}He's not gonna like you|trackin' him down.
{78316}{78366}The drop is behind seat 32.
{78370}{78457}I leave something;|he picks it up later.
{79742}{79839}I'm sorry it took so long. I had to|make sure you weren't being followed.
{79843}{79901}- Brill.|- Brill's dead.
{79905}{79981}Died of smallpox when he was two.|Buried in a field in Kansas.
{79985}{80056}- What is that ?|- It's a bug-sweeper.
{80112}{80172}- Take off your left shoe.|- What does it mean when--
{80176}{80268}Take off your shoe. I don't have time to|explain. Take off your shoe right now.
{80272}{80321}Come on.
{80540}{80622}It's a beacon transmitter.|Thousand-yard range.
{80626}{80679}They're close. Let's go.
{80712}{80800}Who is "they"?
{80804}{80868}And why are they puttin' things|in my shoes?
{80997}{81064}No, get in the back,|like you're a customer.
{81208}{81274}Everything's gone--|the wife, job...
{81278}{81347}bank accounts, everything.
{81351}{81413}You said Zavitz was behind|an extortion scheme?
{81417}{81481}- No, they said it.|- You were the last one|that talked to him?
{81484}{81580}- Yeah.|- What did he say?|- He didn't say anything.|He said, uh, "Help me, Bobby."
{81584}{81666}- Help me with what?|- I don't know. We never got|around to that.
{81707}{81783}- What did he give you?|- Nothing. He didn't give me anything.
{81967}{82047}Listen, you gotta come clean.|If you bullshit me, I can't help you.
{82051}{82129}- No- I'm tellin' ya,|he didn't give me anything. Nothing.|- A name? A phone number?
{82133}{82217}No, nothing-|He didn't give me anything-
{82379}{82447}- Who the hell is that?|- Oh, just somebody trying|to get our attention.
{82451}{82520}Well, he's doing|a good job.
{82588}{82655}Two-zero-nine to anybody.|I need help.
{82659}{82736}- Who you calling?|I thought you worked alone.|- Just shut up a second.
{83154}{83203}- Stay exactly where you are.|- Hey-
{83275}{83336}Look what you did to my car-
{83756}{83854}Okay, gentlemen, we have a subject|entering the structure on the|northeast corner of Chambers and Light.
{83858}{83923}That's 105 Chambers Avenue.
{83927}{84027}- Run a check on all six tracers.|- All six tracers are operative.
{84031}{84102}- Call up geo-position.|- Yeah, I got it. No problem.|- Task keyhole their coordinates.
{84106}{84215}All right. LAT, 39 degrees, 14 minutes.|LONG, 74 degrees, 39 minutes.
{84575}{84642}- Hello.|- Carla, don't hang up on me.
{84646}{84723}- Robert, do you know what|I'm looking at right now?|- Carla, listen.
{84727}{84834}Photographs of you and Rachel|taken today. Is this true?
{84838}{84907}Carla-- Carla, how did|you get the pictures?
{84911}{84963}By messenger, Robert-|By messenger.
{84967}{85040}- What does it matter?|- Look, all right, um--
{85047}{85113}Some-- Something's going on.|I don't-- I don't know who it is.
{85117}{85176}Robert,|I went to the store today...
{85180}{85244}and my ATM and my credit cards|didn't work.
{85248}{85312}- I know. Mine either.|- I couldn't buy food.
{85373}{85451}- I gotta go.|- What do you mean you gotta go?
{85455}{85535}- Carla-- Carla, I gotta-- I gotta go.|- Robert, wait a minute.
{85736}{85787}Get on the fucking elevator.
{85943}{85991}Oh, really?
{86116}{86170}Got vertical movement here.
{86212}{86271}Elevator.|He's in an elevator.
{86275}{86355}- We're losing our tracking.|- Anybody got a visual?|- We need to move location|and get better signal.
{86359}{86421}- I'm on it.|- Are you guys there yet?|- Negative.
{86699}{86755}What the fuck is going on?
{86824}{86919}- Shh.|- Wait. They stopped.
{87048}{87132}Hold it.
{87206}{87275}- I don't know what your problem--|- Shh.
{87748}{87828}I'm getting high-frequency clutter.|We lost tracers one, two and six.
{87832}{87908}Their signals are completely dead.|Something is wrong here.
{88265}{88325}Get up.
{88377}{88483}- Tracers three, four and five|are on their way up.|- He's getting help, boys.|He's getting help.
{88487}{88571}We had an arrangement.|No contact. You broke the rules.
{88575}{88639}They got to be heading for the roof.|Air One, we need to establish|visual on the rooftop...
{88643}{88687}northeast corner,|Chambers and Light.
{88691}{88755}Copy that. Rooftop,|northeast corner, Chambers and Light.
{88758}{88837}Do you know how many federal agents|you had following you on that ferry?
{88841}{88910}- I-l don't--|- Who are you working for?|- What are you talking about? I'm not--
{88914}{88987}Is that about me? Am I a target here?|Do they know me?
{88991}{89082}-Who is "they"?|-Do they know me?|-I don't know what you're talking about-
{89144}{89209}You're either very smart|or incredibly stupid.
{89213}{89264}Get off. Come on.
{89387}{89466}- I got separating signals here.|- Tracer three is on its way down.|Four and five are still together.
{89470}{89496}Where did he go?
{89502}{89614}- How'd you find out about the ferry?|Who set that up for you?|- Rachel did. Who was that other guy?
{89618}{89707}- What did he say, exactly?|- He said he was Brill.
{89711}{89802}Did he say it or did you say it,|and he picked up on it? Come on. Think.
{89806}{89882}- Shit, I said it.|- God damn it. You see,|that's why I have rules.
{89886}{89959}- Is all this about Pintero?|- You think the mob|uses devices like this?
{90122}{90214}-Excuse me, sir.|Where are your elevators?|-Right over there.|-In your phone was a GPS sat-tracker.
{90218}{90276}- Pulse is at 24 gigahertz.|- I don't know what that means.
{90280}{90355}It's like a Lo Jack,|only two generations better|than what the police have.
{90359}{90435}- And what does that mean?|- Do you speak English?|- Obviously not that well.
{90439}{90545}You're kind of a jerk, aren't you?|It means the NSA can read the time|off your fucking wristwatch.
{90549}{90657}All right. Enough of this bullshit.|Right now, you either shoot me|or tell me what the fuck is going on-
{90695}{90783}- Jones, you take the stairs.|- Krug, hold the perimeter.|Come in on my signal.
{90787}{90851}The National Security Agency|conducts worldwide surveillance--
{90855}{90911}fax, phones,|satellite communication.
{90915}{91002}They're the only ones in the country,|including the military, who could|possibly have anything like this.
{91006}{91072}- Why are they after me?|- I don't know, and I don't wanna know.
{91076}{91164}Here they come. I thought these|sat dishes would scramble their signals.
{91168}{91219}Control, this is Air One.|Repeat coordinates.
{91223}{91270}105 Chambers Avenue.
{91274}{91340}You're transmitting.|They still have a signal on you.
{91344}{91415}Your collar, your belt, your zipper.|Get rid of your clothes.|All of them.
{91419}{91530}- And then what am I supposed to do?|- Nothing. You live another day,|I'll be very impressed.
{91534}{91634}- Two targets, rooftop, north side.|- Understood. Two targets, rooftop.|Maintain visual, please.
{91638}{91702}- You have something they want.|- Look, I don't have anything-
{91706}{91791}Maybe you do and you don't know it.|You stay away from Rachel|and you stay away from me.
{91795}{91875}You come near either one of us, I'm|gonna kill you. Get rid of your watch.
{91879}{91991}- My wife gave me this|for our anniversary.|- Then keep it. Stay off the phone.
{92194}{92262}- Wait a minute. Either he just|committed suicide here--|- Or he learned to fly.
{92266}{92345}- Air One, stay with him.|- Target's on the move.
{92349}{92411}Satellite imagery|coming through.
{92415}{92519}One metre res layering wireframe|coming your way. Over.
{92523}{92570}Okay, gentlemen,|we're back on-line.
{92574}{92630}Okay. Wireframe download complete.
{92634}{92715}All right. We have a tracer|in the stairwell on 20 travelling down.
{92719}{92767}Nineteen, eighteen...
{92898}{92967}Moving up-
{93067}{93127}He's out of the stairwell|on 17. Go to 17.
{93276}{93327}Oh, shit.
{93641}{93696}Shit. Mr Wu.
{93700}{93766}- Target is holding on 17.|Zoom three Mag.|- Zooming.
{93814}{93861}Mr Wu.
{93923}{93985}- Thank you very much.|- You're welcome.
{93989}{94047}Hi. I'm from hotel hospitality|and evaluation.
{94051}{94119}Oh, no, no. No tip. I'm fine.|Thank you. No tip.
{94123}{94214}- Hello.|- Hi.|- I just wanna make sure that you folks|have absolutely everything you need...
{94218}{94304}- to be completely comfortable.|- I got something here.
{94353}{94399}- We got him.|- Krug, Jones...
{94403}{94452}get your asses up here|to the 17th floor right now.
{94456}{94538}That's really important|to us here.
{94542}{94629}- Mr Dean? I'd like to talk to you|for a second, if I could.|- Oh, shit.
{94633}{94689}My clothes.
{94693}{94794}- Shit-|- Yeah.
{94798}{94844}Mr Dean?
{94946}{95039}Mr Dean, if you could just come|to the door for a second, sir,|we could work this all out.
{95092}{95156}I can't-- I got rabies or something.|I can't do it. I can't do it.
{95486}{95539}Let's go.
{95771}{95835}- Okay, that's our last tracer.|- Mr Dean-
{95838}{95912}Let's not let this get out of hand.|Let's not involve|the hotel guests in this.
{95995}{96043}Down, ma'am, sir.|Sit down. Please? Thank you. Thank you.
{96142}{96223}-Door-|-Everything's gonna be all right, folks.
{96302}{96367}Krug, balcony-
{96371}{96456}Air One and Control, we got him.|He's dropped to the 16th floor.
{96460}{96543}Air One, visual support. Check|perimeter, south side of the building.
{96547}{96612}Ten-four, Control.|We have visual.
{96774}{96839}- He jumped to 15. Go to 15.|- Go-
{96903}{96969}Grab his clothes.
{96973}{97055}Let's go, gentlemen.|Weapons away.
{97467}{97547}- Dean, open this door, God damn it-|- What are you doing? Come on-
{97835}{97951}Dean, come on now-|We just wanna talk- Open this door-
{98252}{98296}Open that door-
{98451}{98535}- D.C. Metro.|Our partner's trapped inside.|- Yeah. We gotta evacuate this building-
{98687}{98747}Control, Air One. We have|approaching emergency vehicles.
{98751}{98848}Team, the show's going public,|and they're coming in the front door.|Stand down. Maintain visual perimeter.
{98852}{98918}This is Air One.|We're outta here.
{99004}{99100}We have a friend, Chavez,|on the 15th floor. We got one man|trapped and possibly down.
{99104}{99159}Hey, there's a guy|trapped in there-
{99404}{99461}You're going to be okay, guy.|You're going to be all right.
{99567}{99656}- Okay, we are travelling.|Known destination?|- St. Elizabeth's.|- St. Elizabeth's Hospital.
{99660}{99722}- We need sat backup now.|- It's already done.
{99949}{100050}Hey. Take it easy, guy.|You're going to be all right.|Just calm down. Okay.
{100108}{100191}- Easy, fella.|- I'm sorry. I gotta go.|Stop the ambulance.
{100195}{100283}- Tell him to stop--|Tell him to stop it now-|- Pull over, George.|- Easy, fella.
{100366}{100424}- He's getting out- He's getting out-|- Son of a bitch-
{100482}{100550}He's escaped the ambulance and he's|on foot. But our guys are in pursuit.
{100554}{100637}- Task keyhole their coordinates.|- All right.|LAT 39 degrees, 27 minutes.
{100641}{100706}LONG, 74 degrees,|42 minutes.
{100783}{100895}- Move, guys.|- Go, go, go- Damn it-|Go around- Go around-
{101068}{101132}- You're on. Go.|- Tunnel Control, this is D.C. Metro.
{101135}{101212}In pursuit armed felon loose|in tunnel. Requesting video help.
{101267}{101386}Metro, this is Tunnel Control.|Yeah, we got a 20 on your suspect|heading south in tunnel six.
{101390}{101436}Copy that.
{101467}{101546}Yeah, we got him, we got him. He's right|in front of us. Uh, tunnel six.
{101550}{101635}- He's heading south down tunnel six.|- I got him. I got him.|- He's got nowhere to go.
{101715}{101791}He crossed over.|He's on the wrong side.
{101893}{101935}Stop- Stop-
{102011}{102083}We lost him. We lost him.|Son of a bitch- Pull over.
{102151}{102235}- He's currently entering|vertical stairwell five.|- Where does that lead?
{102239}{102310}Five leads to main access|to sub-ventilation tunnel.
{102314}{102430}- Request closest vehicular access.|- Adjacent utility entrance, south side.|- Copy that.
{102434}{102528}Boys, he's in the ventilation tunnel.|Proceed to the adjacent utility|entrance on the south side.
{102532}{102611}- There is no visual coverage.|- They got him- They got him-|He's in a ventilation tunnel-
{102615}{102694}To the service entrance|at the south end- Come on- Let's go-
{102698}{102747}Come on- Go-
{104127}{104212}- Normally, I wouldn't do this.|- Do you guys have him?|Talk to me, people.
{104487}{104563}- Shit-|- Shit-
{104722}{104768}I don't understand|why this is so difficult.
{104772}{104839}He shed the sensors. He's clever.|And he's had help.
{104843}{104943}- Maybe it's the real Brill.|- There's 23 Brills|in the Baltimore/D.C. area.
{104947}{105007}None of them check out. We're running it|through the EPIC computer now.
{105011}{105087}- Do you think we're being set up?|- What, somebody in the agency?
{105091}{105146}I don't know.
{105150}{105247}It just tastes|a little off, doesn't it?
{105251}{105330}- I know what you mean.|- Let's raise the stakes.
{105334}{105414}Make things a bit more serious for Mr|Dean. We'll both think about how, okay?
{105418}{105463}Ok. Bakan.
{105602}{105659}- Anything wrong?|- No.
{105729}{105831}You know, you should have made deputy|director two years ago, maybe three.
{105835}{105915}But it'll happen now. Once this bill|passes, that'll be it for you.
{106139}{106185}Gracias, Maria.
{106393}{106464}Porsche, what are you|barking at, boy?
{106743}{106807}- Porsche?|- Shh. Shh. Shh.
{106811}{106883}- Hey, soy yo. Soy yo.|- I know it's you.|You scared the shit out of me.
{106887}{106983}The house is bugged. Electronically.|Everything you say in there,|they can hear and maybe even see.
{106987}{107036}Escuchame.|Escucha, escucha.
{107040}{107123}Yo nunca-- Lo-- Lo juro por Dios.|Yo nunca-- Es-Es la verdad.
{107127}{107200}I never-- Ever since the problem,|I've never touched Rachel like that.
{107204}{107300}I never-- I never even looked at her|like that, honey. I love you.
{107304}{107396}I love you, and that is it.|That is it. Only you.
{107400}{107491}- What about Eric?|- And Eric.
{107495}{107575}And I love your family.|Except for your dad.
{107641}{107718}I need you. I need you real bad.|I need you, okay?
{107883}{107936}I told you, Bobby.
{107940}{107994}I told you they had|this type of capability.
{107998}{108082}And that goddam privacy bill|is just another way for them|to expand the power.
{108086}{108153}- Shh.|- Don't you "shh" me.
{108215}{108322}You were right. I was wrong.|But this is not the time|for the "l told you so" speech.
{108326}{108416}That day when Daniel Zavitz got hit|by the fire truck, he was running.|H-He was scared.
{108420}{108502}The same people-- I know it now--|the people that were chasing him,|that's the people that are chasing me.
{108506}{108587}- Bobby, are you serious?|- I need you to go to Philadelphia.|Stay there with your family.
{108591}{108660}- Ju-Just give me time to work this out.|I'll get in touch with you.|- Oh, no. I don't think so.
{108664}{108714}They're not chasing me|out of my house. Uh-uh, Bobby.
{108718}{108768}They're not chasing me--|I picked those drapes-
{108772}{108854}Shh, shh.|Nobody cares about the drapes.
{108858}{108919}Just one time can I make|some decisions around here? Please?
{108923}{109004}Just go to Philadelphia.|I need you to do that for me, okay?
{109008}{109082}- Okay.|- I miss you.
{109138}{109191}Oh, God.
{109195}{109270}Oh, I miss you so much.
{109321}{109395}- You can't wear that.|That's a Christmas present.|- I know. I'm sorry.
{109399}{109499}- But, baby, I missed you. I was lonely.|- How you just gonna go through|my stuff like that?
{109503}{109574}Baby, until I actually give it to you,|that's still mine.
{109578}{109639}Yeah, but it looks better on me,|don't you think?
{109686}{109742}Baby, you're|as bad as Eric.
{109746}{109822}I missed you so much.
{109909}{109960}- What?|- Oh, shit. That was the night.
{109964}{110032}That was the night|that I came home with the presents.
{110036}{110089}- Where is Eric?|- He's at Dylan's house.
{110093}{110174}He's probably on the way to school.|What? What's going on?
{110178}{110268}- What are you doing with that?|- Shh. Here, baby. Shh, shh.|- No, no. No. I don't want it.|I don't want it.
{110272}{110354}- Take it. Take it.|- What do you want me to do with this?|- Get me some money. I need some|clothes. Put it away.
{110358}{110419}- Okay. Okay.|- Tell Maria we need her car. Chances|are they wouldn't have bugged it.
{110423}{110493}Oh, shit. Eric.
{110726}{110802}Base, this is unit one.|The nanny is leaving. Please advise.
{110806}{110875}Stay put. We have satellite tracking|and Bingham at the school.
{111099}{111190}Aw, man, let me follow|the nanny.
{111194}{111276}She doesn't shave|her legs. Jesus-
{111280}{111334}Women like that|are so hot.
{111338}{111411}- Is there anybody following us?|- No. No, Mr Bobby.
{111415}{111480}All right.|Drive a little faster. I wanna|catch 'em before they get to school.
{111646}{111707}- There they are.|- Pull up to them and tell them|to get into the car.
{111778}{111835}Eric, Dylan,|get in the car, please.
{111839}{111890}- No, we're okay.|- Get in the car right now.
{111894}{111960}But school's right down the block.
{111964}{112028}You heard me.|Now, get in.
{112121}{112185}Come on-|Come on. Throw it-
{112293}{112339}- What's up, fellas?|- Dad?
{112343}{112400}No, no. Turn around.|Sit down. Face forward.
{112404}{112454}- But, Dad--|- What did I say, Eric?
{112458}{112559}You guys both pick a spot|on those seats. We're gonna play a game.|You pick a spot and look right at it.
{112563}{112636}You can't let anyone know|I'm back here, okay?
{112640}{112687}How you been, E.?|I missed you, man.
{112691}{112750}I missed you, too, Dad.|Where did you go?
{112754}{112871}Oh, they've been keeping me really busy|on this case. They're trying to work me|to death out there.
{112875}{112959}- Are you and Mom getting a divorce?|- Face forward.
{112963}{113031}What are you talking about?|No, we're not getting a divorce.
{113035}{113108}I mean, so we, we had a little fight.|Sometimes married couples have fights.
{113112}{113187}- That's nothing|for you to worry about.|- Who won the fight?
{113191}{113267}This is your dad, Eric. You know|when I put my foot down, that's it.
{113271}{113356}- My mom won.|- Look, l-l have a question|I need to ask you...
{113360}{113435}and it is absolutely imperative|that you tell me the truth.
{113439}{113531}Now, no matter what you say,|I swear to you, you are not|going to get in trouble.
{113535}{113580}- All right? You ready?|- Yeah.
{113584}{113651}You remember that night I came home|with those Christmas presents,|and you asked me, could--
{113655}{113765}I just looked in the bag, Dad.|I wouldn't have taken it,|except it was already open.
{113769}{113891}All right, so we're clear.|But I need it. And I promise|I'll get you another one, Eric.
{113895}{113983}- Dad.|- What's the matter?|- It's broken.
{113987}{114063}It's not Eric's fault, Mr Dean.|It was always broken.
{114067}{114123}The screen just scrambles|when you turn it on.
{114127}{114215}- All right, but I need it, guys.|Do you have it here?|- Yeah, we have it.
{114219}{114270}Eric, just pass it|around the side to me.
{114783}{114863}Yes. Hello. Hi.|My name is Leon Newman.
{114867}{114916}I'm sorry.|What's your name, ma'am?
{114920}{114999}Sergeant Miller. Yes, we live|at 454 Beaumont Terrace.
{115003}{115058}Actually, my mother lives there.|I'm calling for her.
{115062}{115139}There's been a-a van sitting|outside all day, and...
{115143}{115190}I'm not trying to get anyone|in trouble or anything like that...
{115194}{115264}but, uh, I think they might be|doing drugs or-or something in there.
{115268}{115315}I was hoping you|could send a car by.
{115358}{115406}Thirty-one Allison,|all available units.
{115410}{115535}Check out a white van at 454 Beaumont|for a possible 1031 narcotics violation.
{115539}{115603}- Oh, eat me. That's us.|- Yep.
{118486}{118562}Oh, shit.
{119265}{119311}Open the door. Open the door-
{119537}{119636}- I thought I told you|to stay the fuck away from me.|- Please, not now. Just drive.
{119800}{119894}- All right, what happened?|- Rachel's dead.
{120023}{120111}I told you not|to contact her. I told you.
{120236}{120291}Get out of the car.
{120295}{120414}- I think I found what they're|looking for. My son had it.|- Get out of the fucking car.
{121407}{121453}Give me the toy.
{121685}{121759}- You know why they killed her?|- Trying to make it look like it was me.
{121763}{121837}They-- They had my stuff planted|all over her house.
{121841}{121935}First, if you're a murder suspect,|you're gonna be easier to find...
{121939}{122041}and second, to discredit you,|in case you ever go public against them.
{122045}{122160}The NSA set you up.|It had nothing to do with Rachel.
{122164}{122232}Absolutely nothing.
{122375}{122447}- What do we got?|- We got nothing.
{122451}{122498}All right. Pull up everything|we have on tape so far--
{122502}{122554}the square,|the house surveillance.
{122558}{122626}Van, give me the sat imagery|of the hotel roof.
{122630}{122754}Okay, here. These are the parametrics|for the space vehicle|during data acquisition.
{122758}{122819}Can we take a look at this guy|who's helping him? Who is he?
{122886}{122932}Can you get a feature extraction|and pattern matching on him?
{122936}{123000}Mm-mmm.|He never looks up.
{123004}{123063}- He's smart.|- Why does he have to look up?
{123067}{123163}The satellite's about|155 miles above the earth.|It can only look straight down.
{123167}{123235}- That's kind of limited, isn't it?|- Well, maybe you can design a new one.
{123239}{123300}Oh, maybe I will, idiot.
{123357}{123430}Stay put. I need some food.|I need to eat.
{123434}{123502}Rockin' around the Christmas tree
{123506}{123593}Let the Christmas spirit ring
{123597}{123664}Later we'll have some pumpkin pie
{123668}{123755}And we'll do some carolling
{123759}{123815}You will get a sentiment--
{123903}{123972}- Hello.|- Yeah, it's me.|- Oh, it's you, asshole.
{123976}{124030}- What are you calling me for?|- Shut up and listen.
{124034}{124109}Go to the house. Go.|Do not call Carla.
{124113}{124202}Rachel Banks is dead. The papers will|make it sound like I killed her.
{124206}{124259}Tell her that I didn't do it.
{124263}{124352}Make sure she goes. Get her|out of there. Tell 'em I love 'em.
{124356}{124491}The call is coming from 840 McClean,|Baltimore, between Hood and St. Anne's.
{124495}{124557}Copy that. Yes-
{125008}{125147}What's up, man? We're gonna have|to look at your surveillance tapes|for the last 20 minutes.
{125151}{125247}- Hey, Larry-|- The surveillance footage|is coming in right now from Pratt.
{125251}{125306}Freeze it and process it|for face recognition.
{125530}{125598}Pratt, do we see|which way the car went?
{125602}{125686}No, sir. This kid here at the register|thinks that it might have went south.
{125690}{125843}Unfortunately, the shot's too tight.|I got make, uh, model and colour,|but the plates are phony.
{125847}{125914}- Order satellite coverage|on this sector.|- It's already done.
{126243}{126336}- You planning a quick getaway?|- Yeah, ever since I met you.
{126905}{126988}Hate to see the chicken|that lives in this coop.
{126992}{127107}This is where I work.|Might seem strange to you, but this|has been my office for 15 years.
{127111}{127240}It's completely secure. Copper wire mesh|keeps the radio signals out.
{127327}{127410}This is the satellite imagery|of the convenience store 20 minutes ago.
{127414}{127480}- They're in an EI Camino.|- Eighty-six.
{127536}{127667}- There it is.|- John, give us LAT 30, 64 minutes,|LONG 72, 29 minutes.
{127671}{127768}- That's affirmative.|- There they are.
{127772}{127825}It's coming in from top left.
{127887}{127934}Let's go in there and get them.
{128021}{128115}I call it the jar.|No phone or utility lines coming in.
{128119}{128184}Self-contained.|Unplugged from the world.
{128188}{128246}Nothing for a wire bug|to piggyback in on.
{128250}{128351}That leaves only transmitters. It's|easy enough to signal-sweep for those.
{128355}{128444}Signal-sweeping for transmitters.|You're just a party animal.
{128488}{128600}See, the government's been in bed|with the entire telecommunications|industry since the '40s.
{128604}{128680}They've infected everything. They|can get into your bank statements...
{128684}{128791}your computer files, your e-mail,|listen to your phone calls.
{128795}{128906}- My wife's been saying that for years.|- Every wire, every airwave.
{128910}{129023}The more technology you use, the easier|it is for them to keep tabs on you.
{129027}{129140}It's a brave new world out there.|At least it better be.
{129543}{129661}There it goes.|It's some kind of simple encryption.
{129665}{129731}Oh, conspiracy theorists|of the world, unite.
{129735}{129805}It's more than a theory with me.|I'm a former conspirer.
{129843}{129936}Yeah, I used to work for the NSA.|I was a communication analyst.
{129940}{129996}Listen to international calls,|calls from foreign nationalists.
{130000}{130071}That GPS tracking device we found|in your cellular telephone?
{130075}{130152}I designed one of the first models|in that series.
{130334}{130460}Fort Meade has 18 acres|of mainframe computers underground.
{130464}{130567}You're talking to your wife|on the phone and you use the word|"bomb," "president," "Allah"...
{130571}{130632}any of a hundred key words,|the computer recognizes it...
{130636}{130689}automatically records it,|red-flags it for analysis.
{130693}{130753}That was 20 years ago.
{130896}{130949}You know the Hubble Telescope|that looks up at the stars?
{130953}{131059}They've got over a hundred spy|satellites looking down at us.|That's classified.
{131063}{131138}In the old days, we actually had|to tap a wire into your phone line.
{131142}{131218}Now calls bouncing off satellites,|they snatch 'em right out of the air.
{131298}{131338}What's this?
{131478}{131551}- That's Phil Hamersly.|- Jesus Christ.
{131764}{131849}Who's this guy? I'm gonna check|the executive NSA files.
{131853}{131920}Let's run a photo ID on him.
{132176}{132246}Reynolds, Thomas Brian.|Born 9-11-40.
{132250}{132343}Attended Episcopal School, D.C.|B.A., Harvard, PhD, Princeton.
{132347}{132411}On loan from the State Department|since '95.
{132414}{132470}This guy's not a professional.|He's a politician.
{132586}{132666}Aw, shit- Take that.
{132670}{132746}- When was the last time|you contacted somebody you knew?|- When we stopped for food.
{132750}{132823}- Didn't I tell you|not to use the telephone?|- I called from a pay phone.
{132827}{132908}- What did I tell you?|- You told me no calls.
{132912}{132970}I told you no calls.
{132974}{133068}- Get the cat. Get the cat.|- Hey, man--
{133072}{133124}- What's the cat's name?|- Babe.
{133128}{133226}Come here, baby. Come here, baby.|Baby, come, come. Come here-
{133531}{133580}God damn it.
{133826}{133880}All right, baby,|what do we got?
{133947}{134006}What the--
{134197}{134299}- Subjects exiting.|- Williams, get the hell out of there.
{134303}{134405}This bitch is gonna blow-|Go, go, go- Move-
{134815}{134879}Come on- Go-
{134975}{135039}Move- Move- Move-
{135215}{135258}Move- Move-
{135518}{135566}- What the hell is happening?|- I blew up the building.
{135570}{135623}- Why?|- Because you made a phone call-
{135867}{135932}- Tell him to pull over-|- Pull the vehicle over now-
{136059}{136111}Pull over now-
{136487}{136539}Pump action-
{136960}{137031}Gosh damn-
{137107}{137184}Fuel line must be broken.
{137188}{137258}- Get it out- Get it out- Goddam-|- Stop the car-
{137472}{137534}- Where's the disk?|- Shit-
{137538}{137640}No- Shit-|Look, is there any way to save it?
{137644}{137716}- Ah, that's ruined.|- What do we do?
{137720}{137782}- I'm leaving.|- Subjects heading west|across the coal fields.
{137786}{137884}- What do you mean you're leaving?|- The disk is gone.|We got nothing. It's over.
{138182}{138250}We have control.|Put down your weapons.
{138439}{138530}You think I wanted that disk?|You think I wanted that idiot|to put that goddam thing in my--
{138534}{138655}Who gives a fuck what you wanted?|Since you've shown up, Rachel's dead|and the NSA's onto me.
{138751}{138828}Onto you? What do you mean onto you?|Onto you about what, Brill?
{138832}{138888}You're not the target.|I am.
{139175}{139241}This time we got him. We got him.|He's right in front of us.
{139305}{139365}Come on, come on.
{139400}{139477}We got him.|He's got nowhere to go. We got him.
{139731}{139792}Air One to ground,|they're somewhere between the trains.
{139823}{139881}Get the fuck away from me.
{139920}{140008}- Damn it-|- We're coming back around.
{140012}{140078}- You're blowing my whole life.|- What life?
{140082}{140151}You live in a fucking jar|so the world can't touch you.
{140155}{140267}And Rachel-- You didn't give a shit|about Rachel- Just some package|under seat number 32 to you.
{140335}{140426}- Come on-|- Do you have a problem?|- Do it- Go on- Do it-
{140457}{140536}I'm all you've got-|And you're all I've got.
{140728}{140799}Got 'em.|Heading west towards the freeway.
{141048}{141118}- Get out of the fucking car- Get out-|- All right.
{141122}{141190}- Come on. Get out. Move.|- Don't do this to me. Come on.
{141194}{141287}- Tell your story walking.|- Hey, wait a minute. Don't--|Oh, for God's sakes--
{141291}{141359}-Thanks for your help back at the train.|-Wait a minute.
{141408}{141455}Oh, for Jesus--
{141459}{141508}Air One to ground,|I think we lost them.
{141514}{141570}They're somewhere beneath the overpass.
{141784}{141877}Well, you certainly carjacked|a really nice car.
{141881}{141961}This is a piece of shit.|What are you talking about?
{142010}{142131}- I need sugar, you know.|I'm-l'm getting cranky.|- Getting?
{142135}{142213}I'm hypoglycaemic. Uh, my body|can't metabolize the sugar, so--
{142217}{142287}So you're a real, you know,|pain in the ass when you don't eat.
{142345}{142395}Yeah. Right.
{142399}{142471}- We should eat then.|- Let's do that.
{142499}{142628}His real name is Edward Lyle.|Graduated from Drexel University.|Enlisted in the army, 1953.
{142632}{142754}Rapid promotion, excelled|at intelligence and communications.|Joined NSA in '65.
{142758}{142881}- Of course.|- Yeah. He was in the agency till 1980,|when he vanished and went underground.
{142885}{142967}- Hasn't been seen since.|- That's a long time.
{142971}{143030}Lots of black bags,|lots of deleteds.
{143034}{143099}He's familiar|with explosives, obviously.
{143103}{143196}His last assignment, he went into lran,|late '78, after the Shah.
{143200}{143297}- This is our problem.|- This man.
{143349}{143451}So, we were helping|the secret police supply weapons...
{143455}{143506}to the Afghani rebels|fighting the Soviets.
{143510}{143619}My partner and I were|on the eastern border monitoring|Soviet military transmissions.
{143623}{143713}It was kind of fun, actually.|I liked the lranians.
{143717}{143782}But back in Tehran,|the hard-liners seized the embassy...
{143786}{143848}and overnight,|the whole country changed.
{143852}{143939}People we'd been working with,|they turned on us. I got out.
{143943}{143996}My partner didn't.
{144000}{144091}By the time I got home,|the whole mission had become|a press disaster waiting to happen.
{144095}{144150}Aiding and abetting|the new enemy.
{144154}{144230}The agency conveniently|forgot I existed.
{144263}{144372}I don't blame them.|It's what they had to do.
{144376}{144454}I loved the agency.
{144458}{144536}I loved the work.|I loved the people.
{144540}{144607}It was my whole life.
{144611}{144669}Your partner|was Rachel's father.
{144673}{144777}Yeah. The idea was--
{144781}{144870}The idea always was that if one|of us got out, he'd take care|of the other's family.
{144905}{144993}Rachel was all he had, so she became|my promise to him.
{144997}{145063}- Here you go, hon.|- Thank you.
{145174}{145227}Maybe we can still keep|that promise in a way.
{145231}{145304}You're a threat now,|just like I was.
{145308}{145368}Threat to whom? To them?
{145372}{145437}To your family, to your friends,|everyone you know, everyone you meet.
{145441}{145549}That's why I went away and didn't|come back. You gotta go away, Robert.
{145553}{145617}No, I don't think so.|This is my life.
{145621}{145697}I worked hard for it,|and I want it back.
{145701}{145829}I grew up without a father. I know what|that is. And I will not allow my family|to go through that.
{145833}{145915}Mommy, I don't wanna|go home.
{146090}{146168}Wanna take a poke at me? Come on.
{146172}{146233}I don't hit senior citizens.
{146273}{146333}Oh, come here, Babe. Come on. Hey.
{146337}{146358}Come up here. Come on.
{146390}{146485}You know, in guerilla warfare, you try|to use your weaknesses as strengths.
{146489}{146547}- Such as?|- Well...
{146551}{146692}if they're big and you're small,|then you're mobile and they're slow.
{146696}{146734}You're hidden|and they're exposed.
{146755}{146866}You only fight battles you know you can|win. That's the way the Vietcong did it.
{146870}{146943}You capture the weapons and you use them|against them the next time.
{146947}{147035}That way they're supplying you.|You grow stronger as they grow weaker.
{147074}{147139}- Hey, try these.|- Can I have something else, please?
{147143}{147197}- Yeah. Here.|- N-Never mind.
{147250}{147342}- That's my best aloha shirt.|- Well, say "aloha" to it.
{147558}{147648}- Steve, how you doing?|- Howdy.|- Need some gear.|- Help yourself.
{147652}{147725}- Say hi to Bill.|- Hi, Bill.|- How you doing, Bill?
{147763}{147819}Steve, where's the two gigahertz|video transmitters?
{147823}{147880}Right behind you,|second shelf.
{147884}{147948}Steve? I thought you said|his name was Bill.
{147952}{148007}No. You're Bill.
{148011}{148091}- If I'm Bill, you're going to have|to let me know I'm Bill.|- I just did.
{148095}{148163}The, uh, president has not|committed himself...
{148167}{148260}but he does recognize|that we do need something in this area.
{148264}{148339}And I think he will come to see|that this bill will, in the end...
{148343}{148415}provide the kind|of security that this--
{148419}{148507}- What security?|- The kind of security he's gonna need.
{148615}{148733}Ah, here we go. Modified cell phone|interfaced with laptop computer.
{148737}{148810}- Creates an enormously powerful tool.|- What is that?
{148814}{148929}This is Congressman Albert's|home address and his cellular ESN.
{148933}{149008}Now, we reprogramme our phone...
{149012}{149122}with Congressman Albert's ESN,|and you know what we got?
{149126}{149182}Hi, sweetie. We just landed.|So, how are the kids?
{149186}{149248}- Melissa has a fever.|- She okay?|- She's fine.
{149252}{149322}- When will you have|some time to talk?|- Uh, about 30, 40 minutes.
{149326}{149439}- I'll be in suite 59, Lincoln Hotel.|I'll call you when you get in.|- You're a dangerous man.
{149443}{149520}Oh, shit.
{149591}{149647}Aw, shit.
{149971}{150023}- Say something.|- Excuse me?
{150027}{150105}- Louder.|- What are you talking about?|- That's good.
{150162}{150243}- Won't they look in there?|- That's the idea.
{150247}{150318}Great plan.
{150322}{150381}I've been a law-abiding citizen|my whole life. One day with you...
{150385}{150475}I'm sh-shooting... and breaking--
{150479}{150535}I have to go to the bathroom.
{150539}{150609}- Rest well.|- Thanks. Bye.
{150652}{150700}Good work, guys.
{151140}{151198}We got him.
{151202}{151268}Yeah, go for it,|Mr Congressman.
{151398}{151481}- I think you're too young|to watch this part here.|- Yeah, so is she.
{151820}{151884}Yeah, hello. Could you send somebody|up to my room, please?
{151887}{151945}Yes, this is Christa,|the congressman's aide.
{151949}{152022}- Might be able to piggyback it|on top of this.|- How the hell am I supposed|to know what it is?
{152026}{152097}I'm just a congressman,|for Christ's sake.
{152101}{152234}Security expert tells me it's like|a-a PX-73 burst transmitter,|whatever the hell that is...
{152238}{152320}except it's-it's|much, much more sophisticated.
{152324}{152419}Of course I'm going to send it down,|but that's-- That's not the--
{152423}{152487}Because I want to know|who in the hell put it there, Jim.
{152767}{152827}- Hi there. Hey.|- Hola. Si?
{153236}{153359}- The category, Barbara.|- You know, this is very irritating.|Get one channel and stay with it.
{153435}{153495}- Stop jumping--|- We're on TV-
{153499}{153572}- I told you to stop jumping around.|- We're on TV-
{153964}{154055}Okay, these are the ones|they wanted us to find.
{154059}{154125}They're all ours.|We made 'em.
{154129}{154196}Thomas, could|I see you a second?
{154315}{154415}Look, there's $140,000 here.|I have no idea where it came from.
{154419}{154511}- What are you talking about?|An extra 140?|- Yeah.
{154515}{154571}Look, it's right here.
{154575}{154650}Two separate $70,000 deposits|on the same day.
{154654}{154707}Yes, I see the deposits,|thank you.
{154711}{154788}- What I'm saying is|I have no idea where they came from.|- Tom.
{154792}{154896}I'm sorry. That was Shaffer. He wants|to see all department heads at 0800.
{154949}{155017}You're going in on Sunday.
{155021}{155085}- That's just great.|- Emily.
{155115}{155167}This is your separate account.|I have no idea--
{155171}{155229}By the way, who is Christa?
{155301}{155359}"Eternally yours"?
{155430}{155525}I want the entire history|of this device, from birth to abortion,
{155529}{155610}on my desk in two hours.
{155614}{155687}I want the name|of the tech who made it.
{155756}{155844}I want to know|who authorized its use...
{155848}{155914}who checked it out|from inventory...
{155918}{155980}and for what purpose.
{156047}{156125}Most important,|how on God's green earth...
{156129}{156202}it got into Congressman Albert's|hotel room.
{156206}{156271}Listen, people, everyone here knows|where this is going.
{156275}{156382}Now, if this was a legit op--
{156476}{156533}If this was a legit op...
{156537}{156627}and I can't possibly see|how it could be, then so be it.
{156685}{156797}But if this was somebody's|unilateral wet dream...
{156801}{156859}then that somebody|is going to prison.
{156912}{156956}It's him.
{157025}{157101}- Yes?|- Thomas Reynolds?
{157105}{157187}- Who is this?|- I have that environmental study|you've been looking for.
{157241}{157358}- Can we discuss this in person?|- Be at the corner|of lowa and Third at 3:00.
{157362}{157436}I'll be there at 4:00.
{157466}{157520}We have to get a confession out of|this guy, we have to...
{157524}{157590}get it on tape, and we have|to get it fast, okay?
{157662}{157763}Oh, you shouldn't have. This thing|must've cost 12, 13 bucks easy.
{157767}{157827}Now, they expect me|to be wired, all right?
{157831}{157881}So what they'll do|is they'll sweep me.
{157885}{157973}But once they're done,|I'm gonna give you the signal...
{157977}{158031}- and, uh, you turn the mike on.|- What's the signal?
{158035}{158100}Signal is putting, uh, gum in my mouth.
{158104}{158179}So after the signal, you turn|the mike on. T-Turn it on now.
{158183}{158267}- Let's try it.|- Okay, off. Off.
{158271}{158355}Good. Now, to be safe,|they'll also try...
{158359}{158424}to scan all the frequencies|to try to track you down.
{158428}{158508}Now, if these guys are good,|and they're probably very good,|in a location like this...
{158512}{158558}they'll have you|in five, six minutes.
{158562}{158658}So let's say in four minutes time,|after you turn that tape on...
{158662}{158724}regardless of what's happening,|you get out that door.
{158728}{158795}- Now, you got that?|- No.
{159155}{159253}Record. On-off.
{159257}{159309}All right,|let the games begin.
{159350}{159398}Hey there.
{159464}{159549}Edward Lyle. Policeman.
{159553}{159623}- Very clever.|- Why don't you call your friends over.
{159841}{159917}Step towards the fence for me.|This won't take a second.
{160066}{160119}He's clear, sir.
{160123}{160195}So, do you have the tape?
{160199}{160282}- Yes, I have.|- Here?
{160286}{160358}- No.|- Then what is there to talk about?
{160362}{160470}- Money.|- Money?|- I was wondering why|I hadn't seen it on CNN.
{160474}{160547}Have you looked at the tape?
{160551}{160640}- What's on it?|- Your ugly-ass face is on it.
{160644}{160717}It shows the death|of Congressman Hamersly.
{160721}{160771}The needle behind the ear.
{160775}{160859}- Three faces, readily identifiable.|- How much you want for it?
{160863}{160931}- 1.8 million dollars.|- What?
{160935}{161003}And my file cleared.|I want my life back.
{161007}{161099}My 1980 salary with cost-of-living|increases for the past 18 years.
{161103}{161202}- Plus interest.|- Oh, shit.|- Plus the retirement package|for executive level E-16.
{161206}{161272}Comes to 1.85.|I rounded it down.
{161276}{161338}And for this,|I get the tape and, uh, Mr Dean.
{161342}{161415}- Actually, it's Dean that has the tape.|- Aw, shit.
{161419}{161505}- So what does he want?|- He wants to know|why you killed the girl.
{161509}{161619}- What girl you talking about?|- I tried to explain it to him,|but I couldn't figure it out myself.
{161623}{161699}You're getting self-righteous on me?|Because I've seen your file.
{161703}{161767}- Not exactly a beacon of light.|- Yeah, I agree.
{161771}{161849}It's just that--|You kill Hamersly, okay.
{161853}{161903}I wouldn't have,|but I understand the argument.
{161907}{162005}But why the girl?|Just to get to some schmuck|who barely knows you're after him?
{162009}{162101}- Schmuck?|- We never had to deal with domestic.|With us, it was always war.
{162105}{162193}You won the war. Now we're fighting|the peace. It's a lot more volatile.
{162197}{162267}Does he take this long|doing everything?
{162271}{162379}Now we've got ten million crackpots|out there with sniper scopes,|sarin gas and C-4.
{162383}{162499}Ten-year-olds go on the Net, downloading|encryption we can barely break,|not to mention...
{162503}{162567}- Aw, shit.|- instructions on how to make|a low-yield nuclear device.
{162571}{162650}Privacy's been dead for 30 years|because we can't risk it.
{162654}{162735}The only privacy that's left|is the inside of your head,|and maybe that's enough.
{162739}{162825}- Come on. Get him to say something.|- We've located subject.|Keep him talking.
{162829}{162949}You think we're the enemy of democracy,|you and l? I think|we're democracy's last hope.
{162953}{163038}- There's always going to be power.|- You shouldn't be there, Robert,|but if you are, get out.
{163042}{163107}They're onto us.|Get out and follow procedure.
{163165}{163211}Get out now, Robert.|Get out-
{163635}{163731}- You gonna shoot a policeman|on the street? You wouldn't get a block.|- Get in.
{163864}{163926}- Yeah?|- Tom?|- Emily, what is it?
{163930}{164010}- Tom, our Visa card's been cancelled.|I tried to use--|- Did you try the American Express?
{164014}{164075}-Yeah, I tried that, too, and it's not--|-Look, l-l-l can't deal with this|right now.
{164079}{164129}- I'll call you back.|- Tom, listen, l-- No, Tom--
{164133}{164249}Credit cards not working, huh?|Yeah, that can be a real|pain in the ass, can't it?
{164471}{164516}Come in.
{164601}{164649}- Asshole.|- Great plan.
{164837}{164935}Tell him|to give me the tape.
{164939}{165033}- What guarantees do we have if--|- None.
{165087}{165182}Does everybody here know that you|killed Phil Hamersly and Rachel Banks?
{165186}{165265}This guy is going down, and he's going|to take all of you with him.
{165269}{165401}Trust me on this. Aah- Goddam-|Oh, you son of a bitch- You--
{165405}{165523}- Rachel Banks is not the issue.|- Oh, you bastard-|- Hamersly is the issue. He was killed|for a purpose. Now, where's the tape?
{165568}{165632}Oh-- Oh, shit.
{165635}{165694}Where's the tape?
{165740}{165792}- Tom-|- All right. All right.
{165796}{165860}- I'll-l'll give it to you.|- Thank you.
{165863}{165947}What are you doing, you moron?|That's our only leverage-
{165951}{166070}- For Christ's sake.|- I'm the moron? Me?|No, you're the moron-
{166074}{166170}- Where is it?|- Washington and Fourth.|- Washington and Fourth.
{166354}{166408}- That's my blender.|- So?
{166440}{166494}Fourth and Washington.
{166644}{166698}- Where is it?|- The restaurant.
{166702}{166791}11169 Fourth Street.|Stand by to enter.
{167072}{167117}Wait a second.
{167157}{167214}See if you can get|the plate on that van.
{167307}{167399}- You go in with Pratt and bring it out.|- I don't think so.
{167452}{167552}- Oh, you don't think so?|- If I go in there|and I bring that tape out...
{167556}{167602}I'm a dead man.
{167606}{167677}We go together, you and me. And you|view the tape, you sign off on it.
{167681}{167794}They let Brill go, and you take the tape|home. Everyone has a Merry Christmas.
{167798}{167865}What assurances do I have|that you haven't copied that tape?
{167898}{167982}You think I want copies? That tape has|been the bane of my existence.
{167986}{168068}I wish the one that we have|was at the bottom of the Chesapeake.
{168072}{168129}I wanna go home.
{168276}{168367}- Give me a piece.|- Yes, sir.
{168399}{168460}All right, you and me.
{168510}{168594}And Pratt and Bingham.
{168598}{168674}Fiedler, get one of those|little cameras on Bingham.
{168841}{168924}Guess what.|It's a government vehicle. Shit-
{168928}{169002}I'm going in cold. If I need you,|Hicks will call it.
{169122}{169200}- You guys got some food|or something in here?|- Oh, behind you.
{169490}{169604}You're either incredibly smart|or incredibly stupid.
{169608}{169701}We'll see in a minute.|Watch out for the FBl.
{169882}{169971}- I'll be back to get my blender.|- Yeah, I'll have it gift-wrapped.
{170063}{170133}It's your show.
{170137}{170216}- Isn't that the guy that was here|last time? That labour lawyer?|- You're right.
{170437}{170496}- No, no. Thank you.|- You guys like the food?
{170500}{170572}- Yeah. It's good food.|- It's good food, huh? I made it.
{170576}{170636}- Yeah, yeah.|- Yeah, yeah, sure you made it.
{170640}{170706}- Come on. Eat your food.|- I'm eating.
{170710}{170796}- Boss.|- Huh?|- Black guy's back with a couple creeps.|- Yeah, sh-show him in.
{170965}{171047}Hey, how you doing?
{171051}{171105}What's this, the FBl?
{171109}{171179}No, sir, Mr Pintero. This is|the gentleman you wanted to meet.
{171183}{171263}- Oh, that's him?|- Yep, that's him.
{171267}{171331}- So you made the tape?|- What?
{171334}{171414}Did you make the videotape?
{171418}{171484}Look, look. He wants it back.
{171488}{171573}Really? I don't give a shit|what he wants.
{171647}{171703}Could we have|some privacy, please?
{171736}{171810}Yeah, maybe we should.
{171814}{171883}- Maria, get the kids out of here.|- Come on, boys.
{171932}{171984}Get 'em out of here.|Go on.
{171988}{172097}Maria, come on- Get 'em out-|Come on- Uncle Paulie will take you|to the zoo later.
{172149}{172228}- Ooh, ooh, Hicks.|- What the hell's the matter with him?
{172232}{172300}No, no, no, no. Not on the equipment.|We gotta get him-- Okay.
{172525}{172575}Check this out.|Come here.
{172610}{172658}Tony, they just pulled|a guy out of the van.
{172662}{172737}He's puking and bleeding|all over himself.
{172806}{172897}Shit. It's a city cop.
{172901}{172992}Hey, Babe. Come on. Come on.
{172996}{173102}- Oh, yeah. Okay.|- Now, he's your friend.|You persuade him to give us the tape.
{173106}{173220}Hey, look. Number one,|he's not my friend.
{173224}{173293}- And number two, it's not his tape.|- Whose is it?
{173297}{173377}It's mine, okay?|It's mine. I bought it.
{173381}{173441}You sold it to him?
{173528}{173577}Now, you listen to me.
{173650}{173725}Who are you? What the fuck|you trying to do to me?
{173729}{173846}- Oh, this looks bad.|- I'm with the federal government.|- Oh, the federal government|made a videotape?
{173850}{173919}- You guys oughta get in there.|- Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Listen.
{173923}{174009}Now, we can go get a warrant|and come back with the FBl,|take anything we want...
{174013}{174088}arrest anybody that we want--|just give the man the videotape.
{174092}{174163}Hey, only one gonna get arrested here|is you, for felonious cocksucking...
{174167}{174225}with an attempt to swallow|the evidence, so shut your mouth.
{174229}{174281}And you, get the fuck|out of here.
{174285}{174344}Go get your warrant.|And until then, get out of my joint.
{174348}{174419}Come on. You gotta get in there-|God, there are gonna be|dead bodies all over the--
{174423}{174478}- Shut up-|- Get in there- Get in there- Come on.
{174482}{174532}- Shit, forget it. Come on.|Let's go. Let's go.|- Okay.
{174536}{174605}This is it-, This is it- Krug,|take the rear. Jamie, you're with us.
{174609}{174668}Jones, you're on the side entrance.
{174672}{174787}- So what are we waiting for?|Come on. Let's go-|- No. Tony says we wait|until they show up. We wait.
{174791}{174857}- Put the guns away.|- You put your guns away.
{174861}{174909}Put it away.|Put it away.
{175035}{175088}Put it away.|Put it away.
{175213}{175274}All right,|I'm putting it away.
{175400}{175486}- Now, what will it take|for us to get that videotape?|- The end of the world.
{175584}{175637}Let's go. We're leaving.
{175641}{175714}- Put the guns down now.|- Everybody, drop your weapons-|- No-
{176494}{176570}Go- Go- Go-|Out of the way- Out of the way-
{176739}{176808}- Get your hands up.|- You get your hands up-|Drop the gun-
{176812}{176878}- On your knees.|- Easy-Easy-Easy with this guy.|He's not one of them.
{176882}{176950}Easy, easy. Get up. Get up.|Get up. Come on.
{176954}{177047}- All right. Let's get|this place cleaned up.|- Not too stupid after all.
{177051}{177132}Let's go.|Let's move it. Come on.
{177136}{177189}Right there.|Somebody get the paramedics.
{177193}{177268}We need some paramedics in here.|We have 13 bodies in here. Let's go.
{177569}{177663}All right, listen up.|Get some IDs on these guys.|Let's get these guns out of here.
{178391}{178469}This guy is going down.|He's going to take all of you with him.
{178473}{178550}- Goddam-|- Rachel Banks is not the issue.
{178554}{178643}Hamersly is the issue. He was killed|for a purpose. Now, where's the tape?
{178725}{178803}- Why did you record it?|- Okay, uh...
{178807}{178921}first of all, we were there for|technical support. And, uh,|we had no idea--
{178925}{179002}- Do they know that Reynolds is dead?|- Yeah.|- They know all that?
{179006}{179073}- Right, but they're still stalling.|- They're still stalling.
{179077}{179131}- A tape.|- A tape of it.
{179135}{179204}- What did you think was going on?|- Oh, I thought it was an STO.
{179208}{179283}- STO?|- Standard Training Op.
{179390}{179482}Congressman- Rhonda Overby, CNN.|Does this mean the privacy bill|is dead, Congressman?
{179486}{179588}Uh, in its current form, yes,|but the issue is still|very much alive, I can assure you...
{179592}{179666}unless, of course, no one worries|about national security any more.
{179892}{179976}We knew that we had|to monitor our enemies.
{179980}{180026}We also have come|to realize that we need...
{180030}{180098}to monitor the people|who are monitoring them.
{180102}{180185}Well, who's going to monitor|the monitors of the monitors?
{180189}{180273}I wouldn't mind doing|a little, uh, monitoring myself.
{180277}{180371}Mmm. Yeah, and you got lots|and lots of monitoring to do.
{180375}{180456}Are you guys talking|about sex?
{180460}{180513}- Boy--|- Oh, no. It's time for dinner.
{180517}{180605}Get in there and eat your dinner.|No more hanging with Dylan.
{181430}{181491}Brill, you are one sick man.
{181566}{181618}Yeah, me too.
{181672}{181754}Ooh, you're gonna need|to get a tan on those things.
{181865}{181932}Congressman Sam Albert, how do we|draw the line-- draw the line...
{181936}{182007}between protection|of national security...
{182011}{182092}obviously the government's need|to obtain intelligence data...
{182096}{182204}and the protection of civil liberties,|particularly the sanctity of my home?
{182208}{182291}You've got no right|to come into my home.