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Doraemon: Nobita and the Island of Miracles - Animal Adventure English Subtitles

Movie Info:

Released: 03 Mar 2012
Runtime: 100 min
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Director: Kôzô Kusuba
Actors: Shihoko Hagino, Yumi Kakazu, Subaru Kimura, Wasabi Mizuta
Country: Japan
Rating: 6.7


Nobita and Doraemon use time tree Mochi and catches a big bird Moa, which has been extinct for 500 years ago. To protect extinct the animal, Nobita and Doramon go to Beremon Island which is...

Apr 03, 2020 01:31:54 Doll.A.Dream English 44

Release Name:

Doraemon Movie 32  - Nobita and the Miracle Island - Animal Adventure (2012)

Release Info:

Doraemon Movie 32 - Nobita and the Miracle Island - Animal Adventure 2012 BluRay, Doraemon - Nobita to Kiseki no Shima Animal Adventure, 映画 ドラえもん のび太と奇跡の島~アニマル アドベンチャー~ 
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