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Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 3: World Heroes' Mission Arabic Subtitles

 Boku no Hero Academia the Movie 3: World Heroes' Mission

Movie Info:

Released: 29 Oct 2021
Runtime: 104 min
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure
Director: Kenji Nagasaki
Actors: Daiki Yamashita, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Yûki Kaji
Country: Japan
Rating: 7.4


When a cult of terrorists ruins a city by releasing a toxin that causes people's abilities to spiral out of control, Japan's greatest heroes spread around the world in an attempt to track down the mastermind and put him to justice.

Feb 20, 2022 17:32:35 Sasuke-Fansub Arabic 20

Release Name:

[Sasuke] Boku no Hero Academia the Movie - World Heroes Mission [1080p]

Release Info:

زورو مدونتي 
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Feb 20, 2022 06:04:54 135.36KB Download

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